Wednesday 20 July 2011

Grateful Working

Since a few months ago I am giving thanks before I eat. No I do not pray I simply state to myself something that I am grateful for. For example I would have my food in front of me and then quietly, to myself, I would say thank you for the bed that I sleep in and that I do not have to sleep under a box in this cold winter. This way I am not only learning to re-appreciate what I have but it is also like a mental stock take of my life and it has also helped me to examine my life. I am grateful for so many things and it would be impossible to list them all but there is one aspect of life that I just simply have to share with everyone. Because it is such a rare aspect to be truly grateful for.

My Desk. 

Now when I say that I am grateful for my work, I do not mean that I have a day job and that I do it because it pays the bills. That I have to drag my ass out of bed every morning, look in the mirror and say “Dear Goddess tell me again why do I have to go to that place?” This is the unusual part of it. I like my job. I enjoy going to work and spending the day there. I enjoy the people that work with me in the office.
I am a personal assistant to one of the bosses, for a company that imports planters from Germany and then we sell them here. Not only are these planters extremely stylish but also they are smart. I know that sounds really fucked up but let me explain. The planter has a sub-irrigation system with it that does all the thinking for you. I do no have a green thumb, as a matter of fact I don’t have a green anything. My lavender always dies. I cannot seem to just keep the damn stuff alive, but with these planters I look like a damn pro the way my plants are growing. I know that to the average Joe it still seems like I have the most boring job on the planet.
So let me explain a bit more.
First on the list and this is probably one of the most important things, so long as what I am neat, and clean my boss really doesn’t mind what I wear. I sometimes look at myself and think “Jesus, did you really have to wear mesh to work” but bless his soul, he has never said anything negative about the way that I dress. When I started to wear the bindi every day, I at first thought that maybe I am pushing it. Never been a problem. Let me explain why this is so great for me. The previous job where I was a temp the boss after one month called me in to do an evaluation. One month ………. Really? So he sat me down and gave me three hundred things that I could not yet do, in an industry I have never worked before. He proceeded to tell me (even though I dressed pretty normal for that job) “What is the point in you looking like a rock star when you are just a cunt” I think for the first time in my life, I had nothing to say back, I was so shocked. So now being in a work were I can dress like me, is just the best thing. I have however not yet tried to wear a corset to work, that I think is really pushing it. Maybe one day! ;)
Planter called Delta 15
Secondly no one that I work with has an issue with my spirituality. My boss is a Reiki Master himself and it is so refreshing to be able to work for and with people that gets you or at least try to get you and when they really don’t just fucking lie and say you do. When I came for the interview he told me “I don’t care what you believe in, as long as you don’t make altars in the office.”
Both of the bosses are gay men. This of course makes my sexuality a non issue. The previous dick I worked for was such a homophobe. Here in the office we are constantly joking with each other about the one being a slut or the other one drooling too much over the gorgeous man from some or other company. It is a fun place to work at and there is never a dull moment.
Besides for all of this, my boss is generous, compassionate and human. He doesn’t have a “my shit don’t stink” attitude. The man just gave me a Apple Mac, Dishwasher (not for the office, but for my home) and about 30books for our Temple library. Where on this planet do you find another boss like that? I have worked for many places and only once before have I had a great boss like this. I consider myself lucky that it has happened twice to me now. He would bring me dvd’s to watch or cd’s to listen to. In many ways just by talking to him about things and taking his advice he has guided me to make the right choices and in many ways I consider him to be one my mentors that life has decided to put on my path. I am grateful.
I am not bragging about my work. I am simply being grateful that I am lucky enough to have met people that are real people and we work together and I realize that there is not many that can say the same.


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