Friday 8 July 2011

Batman & Robin

We have two little gremlins that live with us. I am not sure if they even like us but we give food and we have been taking care of them since they were small babies, oh we also give a warm bed to sleep on and clean the sand box for them. Yes we are talking about our darling little cats. They are about 7 months old now, even though it feels like they have been with us for seven years. This as you can imagine is not always meant as a nice thing.

Batman sleeping against Daddy
Batman is a shy little kitty that was born without a tail. He is black and white and he wears a blue collar, because the bat suit is after all originally a blue suit, way back when. The first few batman comics, back when god was a boy, was blue and grey, I remember. Ah those were the days.
He likes to do things on his own and will come to you when he wants attention. After months of struggling with him he finally sleeps at night. Quietly on our bed under the comforter but he wont sleep under the duvet, doesn’t like it. In the beginning you would wake up cuz you can’t breath. When you figure out what is going on, you see this ball of white and black fur on four face with huge yellow eyes staring at you, intently. Giving the loudest PPPPPPRRRRRRRRR you ever heard. As a little kitten he used to look a little retarded. I was sure he was going to grow up with Down syndrome or some or other difficult to pronounce illness (thank you Robert). He didn’t look all there.
One night, this was during the time we tried to teach him not to sleep on faces, I woke up feeling like I was getting a tattoo on my scalp. It was fucking painful. I look up into huge yellow eyes and a white nose. The moment I open my eyes it starts to give that very loud PPPPPPRRRRRRRR and kneads my head even faster.
Now I am not a nice person when I am tired. You can do a lot of things to me, but don’t try to make a pass at my man, don’t take my chocolate or coffee and don’t wake me up when I want to sleep unless you really can’t handle it on your own. If my house is busy burning down, carry out my books and dvd’s and my Mac. Make sure the kids are safe and then carry me out. Don’t wake me up unless you really are so incompetent that you can’t do all of that alone. So when Batman woke me up by stabbing his claws into my head repeatedly the only thing I managed to do was pick him up and throw. He didn’t scream, or hurt himself, but he also never slept on my face again. Now he sleeps tightly against me and as I turn in my sleep he jumps from side to side to always sleep tightly against me. He is definitely my kitty, or I am his human.

Robin being cute and giving Daddy a high five
Robin is poofy and grey and if you look at him correctly you will see the stripes on his body and tail, he wears a red collar and he looks very dapper. Even though they are brothers, as in from the same litter, they are so very different. Everyone comments on how gorgeous Robin is and he knows it. He is a stunning cat and big, but really he has the attitude to go with it. He will sit on your lap. I don’t mean that he may come to you and look for affection; I mean he WILL sit on your lap, because he can. And you can chuck him off, repeatedly; he WILL sit on your lap. He is determined to do whatever the fuck he wants to and no matter how many times you rough at him or chuck him off or even smack his bum, he will show you he will do it.
He loves to drink water from the bath. Bowls are for cats, why would he drink from a bowl? He also enjoys red wine……..from your glass.
He has learned early in life not to try and take me on. But Paul and Batman suffers under him. If something or someone can be climbed or jumped on, then he will do it. If it can be eaten or chewed he will do it. If you can fuck it up in any possible way, Robin will do it. They should make him test things before putting the SABS approved label on it. He climbs your legs and or your back while you give them food, why? Because he can. He did it to me a few times and then after roughing at him a few times one day he got the same treatment as Batman did when kneading my head, he hasn’t done it again. He will play with me, but a lot gentler than with Paul. Robin doesn’t just come to lie with you or Batman. He comes and plonks down next to you. But he has a look in his eyes. He looks a bit like he is possessed. Not by a demon, but the fucking Devil himself. And just when you are comfy and off guard he fucks you up. Ten Love. Paul’s hands and arms permanently looks like he has been in the second world war. Of course when we have someone visiting he sits quietly on their laps and pppprrrrrr’s the night away, little angel………NOT!!!
Sleeping with Daddy, This doesn't happen often
Lately Robin, 7 months old have begun to feel nature’s urges. There is a good thing and a bad thing to this. The good thing that he doesn’t go out all night in search of a female cat. The bad news is he decided to grope Batman. And Batman, placid little thing that he is, just takes it like a man or cat. I told Paul that we can’t really blame them. We named them after the most famous gay couple of our times and monkey see monkey do, or kitty see kitty do. He has adopted Paul as his human.

And that ladies and gents is Batman and Robin, two of our three boys. The third boy is a snake and as you can imagine he doesn’t do much. Eats, sleep, shit, shed and explores when we take him out.

Have a lovely weekend.


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