Friday 15 June 2012

My First High Priest Role

In 2001 when I was my Original group then the head of the group started talking to me about my training to become a High Priest. Honestly I was freaked out. It was not what I wanted at that point in my life. I was happy to be the co-founder of the e-zine and write for it. I was happy to be a follower in the group with little responsibility. The thought of me being in a position of one day leading anything like that, just completely freaked me out.
I then decided to speak to my brother about this. My brother of all people. That was wrong of me. I should have spoken to my group head about it but I was honestly freaked. My brother basically told me that he thinks I should always do what makes sense to me at that point in time. Advice that I still follow and apply in my life.
So the next day I wrote my letter resignation to the group. I emailed it through and thought that I avoided ever being leader. It was really such a relief and I felt like I could breathe again. However, two weeks later my mother comes to me and says that we are going to formalize the Family Coven and we accept close friends and a select few people for it. The first thing that I asked her was “who is going to lead this group?” I was so happy that she said it was going to be herself and another friend of ours and not me. My primary function would be to teach and in time I would be trained as a High Priest but only to take over whenever the actual High Priest was sick or due to emergency could not make it. That suited me cuz it meant that I would just about never be called to lead. I would teach and keep to myself. I could live with this.
So we arranged our first Sabbath as Coven of the old Order. Can you just imagine that name. So ponsy and full of itself. Old Order, what fucking old order? It was held under a huge tree in my sisters back yard. The night before the Sabbath my mother calls me to her room. I knew she had kak news and I knew I didn’t want to hear it but I went willingly to listen about what the issue was. 
The High Priest decided that this was no longer for him and could not do it. Since everything was sorted for the Sabbath, we could not cancel and I was forced to take the role of High Priest. Sommer net so!  That is pretty much how it started. I had less than a full day to go through the entire ritual. I was nervous as all hell and the togas that we wore (which my mom and I designed) looked like African American Gospel Choir outfits. It was terrible. A blue circular poncho like thing that we wore over plain white robes. Om My Kali, can you just imagine that?
But I did it. That is where I learned the valuable lesson of “the show must go on”. If you are called to the High Priesthood, then the show must always go on. Your life comes second and you obey the will of your people. Always keeping in mind what is best for the people as an entity.


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