Monday 21 May 2012

Help Without Expectation

Is this really still true in today's society?
Very often in life we come across people that either by choice ask for our help or we just realize that we need to give a helping hand to that person. This however can really bite us in the ass, and I don’t mean in a nice foreplay kinda way. I mean sometimes we do so much for someone only to be kicked in the balls. So often in the almost 4 years that Paul and I have been together have we tried to help people. And by help I don’t mean that we offer them a lift or lend a R100 or small trivial things like that. By help I mean that we go far out of our way to help some or other person to achieve whatever it is that they want to achieve.  And I cannot even categorize and say that it is only men or only women. Oh no it’s humans. You help someone and then they stab you in the back.
A friend of mine one day told me a story about how her and her husband also helped some women and eventually this women just about destroyed their entire lives. Cindy ended her story by telling me “No good deed goes unpunished Zeo.” A bold statement to make but it seems that it is a true one. Well up until a few months or so ago when I met someone who was of a different opinion and kind of explained it to me.  This is the one that we discussed last year. For those that have been reading the blog since then, you will remember on the 14th of July 2011 we had this discussion.
I want to however talk about this again. Since that time Paul and I have carried on helping people. Yes it’s like we are just suckers for punishment. And people seem to just to know that they can come to us and we will help and somehow it is ok if they then take us for granted. So I am  getting to the point that I am agreeing with Cindy. We help, help, help and then a month or two or three later we get kicked so hard in the crotch that we that we can feel the lumps in our throats.  And every time we say: “This is the last time we are doing this”
You know its not that we want to be praised and made out to be the saviors. Not at all. A small thank you however, has the ability to go a long way. I am also at the point know where I am ok with people talking kak about me and trying to take me for a doos but if you think you are going to do it to Paul and you think you are going to get away with it, well think again buddy. When it comes to my Paul I become like a lioness that will rip anyone to pieces. Paul is like the king lion. He has the beautiful mane and he just is by far the calmer one of the us.
Back to the point though. This is starting to create an issue for us where we don’t really want to trust anyone anymore.  And it’s not so much that we don’t want to but we have been through so fucking much. From being lied to, to being stolen from, to our house being in a fucking state! So now we are skeptical. There are a few people here and there that we are more than willing to help with whatever they need, but these are few and far between. These people we do help without having expectations or conditions.
What we have tried to remember though, is that people will come into your life for different reasons. Once your roads are done then that person will leave.  We have also learned not to make an issue out of such things as that very much perpetuate the issue and turn them into horrible arguements. Yes we get hurt. But are we not in fact signing up for hurt with every person that we allow in our lives? Every positive has an already existing negative and so for every nice person in your life there already exists an equal negative. We allow the nice so maybe we should also just allow the, not so nice. Who knows maybe having that as the only expectation or condition will somehow ease us and our lives for when moments like these hit us. 


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