Thursday 10 May 2012


You know if I have said it once then I must have said it a thousand times. 
Communication is one of the most important things in any relationship. Well communication and compromisation. The two go hand in hand. *Sings in head* 'You can't have one without the other. Lova and marriage' *snaps back to reality* Sorry I just had to get that off of my chest first.

Hi, how are you today?
Me? Oh I am wonderful thank you. Had a few issues yesterday but it was all sorted out last night and now things are good again. What is new with you?

If you are wondering what the fuck is wrong with me, let me explain. I asked you how you are. You then answer and I carried on with the conversation. I can see you are confused. Probably thinking to yourself that I have now finally, completely lost all of my fucking marbles. However what I want you to do is, just to yourself, answer those two simple questions as truthfully as possible. You see the point to this little exercise here is to be truthful about how you are when asked. 
How many people greet you during the day? To how many of them do you say “I am well and you?” or “I am doing great and yourself?” or some such bullshit? Even on days when you hate yourself or days when everything seems to fall to shit.
Sometimes however, we are completely honest about how we are and the person to which you are explaining kind of just cuts you off  and says something like “That’s nice” and then carries on with whatever they wanted to say. Yes I know you know all of this so let me get to my point.
It saddens me to think that we as a species have become so empty and hollow that even in a simple question like “How are you” we (1) cannot answer it truthfully or (2) no one really cares in anyway how you are even when you give them an honest answer. 
How often have you been at a braai or party or whatever. Then someone walks in that you all know and your friend on your side tell you something like “please just don’t ask them how they are. You will never hear the end of it”. That to me is honestly the best approach. Not the saying of something like that behind someone’s back. I am a firm believer in ‘if you can say it behind someone’s back then have the balls to say it to their face’ . But I believe in the fact that if you really don’t care how someone is doing, then don’t fucking ask. And if how you are doing has nothing to do with them either, then if they should ask you first “How are you?”, just say “I am well thank you”. That way you are being polite and not opening a door by asking them the question in return.
But if you are gonna ask someone how they are doing then be prepared to listen to how it is really going with that person. And don’t then let your mind wonder or interrupt the person. You asked!! So you better fucking listen and be interested in that persons life. We live in an age where everyone is rushed and we don’t take time out for our fellow humans anymore, let alone our animals or plants (but that is a whole new blog), being sincere about how you or someone else is, is the least that you can do.


1 comment:

  1. I like what you have to say! Cheerz Mel! :D
