Monday 29 August 2011

Fanatics Sicken Me!!

I have in my life come across many things that I have considered to be out of the ordinary.  Weird things.

I am not a Wiccan, nor am I a Vampire. I am a Witch, plain and simple. I have in the last 7 years developed huge issues with most Wiccans and their huge ego’s. But today I have to say was the height for me.  I have met fanatics in every walk of life even an atheist fanatic but today for the first time I have met a fanatical Wiccan. This is a man who is so strong in his interpretation of the Wiccan Rede to the point that he condemns every other view or way of life. He preaches what Wicca was intended to be but if he had any fucking clue about history he would know that Gardner never even intended for Wicca to be a path to be used to the extend that it is being used today.

What makes you any better than the ones that chose to burn your ancestors, I am disgusted by you.  You disgrace the very thing that we as freethinkers are against. I tried to reason with this person but like any fanatic he refuses to see anything beyond his own point of view. I am shocked and horrified that any fanatical person has the right to voice his opinion but what shocks me the most about a Wiccan fanatical is that this is a person that would try to speak up against the injustice and the crimes against witchraft, made by the church and then he in turn commits the identical crime to someone else. You are not worth the breath that you used to utter your oaths of initiation.

I am not disgusted with this person because he doesn’t see my point, not at all. I am disgusted with any person that denies or demonizes any other path because it is not the same as theirs. ANYONE that does this disgusts me. You are the reason that so many people have lost their way. What is the next step for this Wiccan? Is he going to start evangelizing and then punish those that do not believe as he does? Sickening.

I really have nothing more to say on the topic. I am saddened and disgusted that this is happening in the larger community and this is the exact reason why I have remained in solitude for so long inside of my Tradition.

1 comment:

  1. The sad fact of life is that there will always be someone with blinkers on that takes their beliefs to the extreme.
