Wednesday 7 March 2012

Breeding Stupidity

We were sitting outside last night having a glass of red and a smoke with a good friend and one topic lead to another. You see our Bronwyn and I have decided that if she is still without child by age 35, then her and I will have a love child!
So as the topics went along those lines we got to the topic of her lip gloss, that she bought at some or other China shop. Now I have not seen this lip gloss personally but apparently it is very phallic. So sitting at a bar not to long ago with a bunch of friends she proceeds to put on the lip gloss and says something to the effect of “Let me take out my very Phallic lip gloss”
Her one male friend who is apparently a real afrikaaner bulletjie turns around and states that he doesn’t thinkit’s phallic because to him it looks like a penis……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Yes apparently you do get people like that out there. But this brings us to the subject heading. Bronwyn then threw her hands up and screamed “And these people breed!!!”
I think that this should be a major concern for government. This is after all the future of our country that we are talking about. I am not saying that I am the most intelligent person on this planet. On the contrary I am sure that there are many people that are way more intelligent than me.
On the MENSA IQ test I scored a 145 which is according to them entry level genius. I still sometimes doubt it, mostly when my roots are showing (like now). No I don’t mean roots as in where I come from, I mean roots as in I seriously need to dye my hair again. Back to the point
I think everyone should be forced to do an IQ when they hit the age of mental maturity (yes I do realize that this already excludes a shit load of people including just about all of ex lovers/partners) and then of the 50% (if even that much) people that take the test, only those that score a score of mid average and up will be allowed to breed. The rest must get injected with something that will make them sterile forever and a day.
I know that it sounds harsh, but we are busy breeding a race of idiots, who can hardly pronounce the words that they are using in the wrong context in anyway. Again I am not saying that I brightest crayon in the box, on the contrary, but damn you get some people who are really as dumb as dirt. I don’t hold it against them, its not always their fault. But the people who are dumb as dirt and when you want to help them they just show no interest, must fuck off to mars or some desolate place and then they can play Survivor – The Real Game!
In this day and age there is really no excuse for you not be dumb as dirt. We have Google that can tell you the facts of just about anything. But what gets me about these people is the fact that they don’t want to learn anything new. So not only are they stupid they also lazy! Yes lets build a nation with that!


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