Thursday 8 March 2012

Techno Talk

In this modern world of the 21st century that we live in, everything that we do has been made extremely easy for us. You can buy ready made food in almost any store and all you have to do is just eat. Coffee can be bought in little bags and all you have to do is to add boiled water to this mixture and voila, instant cappuccino.
Life has been designed by the leading brands to make it possible for you to life a complete lifetime without ever leaving your home. Your food can be bought online. You can book and buy an airline ticket, movie ticket or just about any ticket without ever having to speak to a single person. All of your banking needs can be taken care of with the help of a small hand held tool on which you do pretty much everything from making calls to planning your day and everywhere you go you can see people chatting to someone on the other end of a data stream instead of talking face to face.
These inventions where designed to better the human race, but I can't help but wonder if it is not in actual fact killing us. Not due to some form of cancer or disease that we may or may not get from using them, but from the mere fact that we have become to dependent on them. Is the human race a dying specie...?
I look around me and everywhere I see people comparing numbers and letters. You here them saying the they have a xprtg6092 (yes I just made that up) and then they other one will be like “cool but mine can do ultra beems of …… condensed fart rays with youtube”. And the second kid is like “wow that’s so awesome” and I am watching them not having a fucking idea of what they they are talking about. It could be a phone or a PC or a fucking portable microwave that folds open to roast a turkey.
People sit right next to each other and they don’t talk anymore. You se their thumbs moving and then they laugh. Oh my holy fucking shit. You see one of them kinda just give a twich and then on the screen you see LMAO. I am watching all of this and thinking what happened to you humanity? I am one of those people that actually do laugh out loudly, so badly that the tears roll down my face.
I still love the feel of paper and the smell of ink writing on that paper. I still love to give and receive hand written letters that have been decorated. I love the smell of old books and reading from a tomb of fibres instead of fibreoptics. People don’t use vowels any more when they type and it just confuses the shit out of me. If I ask someone on email how they are doing I still type out – How are you doing? No not today I got a message the other day from an unknown number and this pretty much what it looked like – Hi, hwd? Ur invt 2 bdy pty. Sat @ 7. C u.
I wasn’t sure if there was a problem with my phone or if the extraterrestrials have now finally decided to invade. Pty as far as I know has to do with company registration. I was so confused and do you have any idea how bad it is for a sober person to be so confused? So what did I do, well I had a drink of red wine. About three glasses later I still couldn’t figure it out but I figured if it is important enough they will phone or telepathically communicate or abduct me. So when you message me people, please BUY A VOWEL and put your name at the bottom. 
Don't get me wrong, it's really not that I hate technology and the modern age. I love some of its advantages and it surely has made great things happed in the field of medics and science, but I just feel that it is controlling our lives.One day that kettle that you designed is gonna stand up, flip you over and then fuck you over.
I challenge everyone to this weekend do something old school. Something that does not involve technology. Go have fun!


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