Tuesday 28 February 2012

Dreamlike States

As a Reiki practitioner and a Pagan, I am well aware of the astral plane. I am also aware that it exists at the same time as this world and that the two can overlap. Also I know about the fact that in Reiki your guides can come to collect you, while you sleep, to do work on the astral plane.
There is also a thing called a Soul Group. This is a cluster of souls that will know each other from one life to another and these souls are like bff souls. They will life after life be incarnated together.
Last night I had the weirdest dream and I say that it was weird cuz it didn’t feel like a dream. It felt way too real and almost more like an experience or the memory of an experience.

I was in what looked like a school hall. As a matter of fact it looked a lot like my old primary school hall. But everything had a slight yellow tinge to it. Almost like my eyes had yellow cellophane in front of them.
In the hall there must have been about 20 – 30 people sitting, meditating. A thin elderly woman with lots of wrinkles and dead straight blond bob hair was the one leading the meditation. Come to think about it, her hair may have been white but looked blond due to the yellow tinge everything had. She was wearing a faded white, what can only be described as a yoga suit. I was one of the people meditating and somehow I just knew that I was also her oldest student. But I remember that Bev was there as Paul and a few other people that I know. Not all of us looked like we do in the here and now but somehow I recognized us. It was an open eye meditation and although I cannot remember the form of it I do know that she brought us out of it one by one by softly tapping each and every one of us on the shoulder and then we had to stand up.  Everyone was so somber as they stood up and then she tapped my shoulder. I jumped up and grabbed her hands into mine and did a turning waltz with her for about 30 seconds. She didn’t smile or do anything for that matter but I knew she wasn’t too impressed by my behaviour. As I walked towards Paul, wanting to put my arms around him and kiss him, I tripped over the leg of one of the girls that was still in meditation. She jerked her head up and gave me look. But both of us knew that we knew each other, but we had never met. She had short red hair, skinny girl, with green eyes.
That’s when I woke up.

As stated, this did not feel like a dream and thinking back on it, I just cannot believe that it was. It felt like we were plugged into the matrix and she was Morpheus. I know that this sounds like complete bullshit but that is how felt. One thing that I do know is that we were all there for a purpose and we all wanted to be there. We were students and we needed, yes we had the need to learn and to grow. Lets hope that more gets revealed as the nights come and go.



  1. *nods head understanding* I love it when those moments happen! I've only met about 4 or 5 people (that I'm aware of) that were soul mates (people who you knew in a past life that you meet in your current and learn a lesson from)and they tend to enter and exit so quickly after I've learn't my lesson unfortunately. I guess the trick is to keep one from leaving?

    When I was still able to astral project then I often become a state of air (my main element) and misted into plants around me (almost as if I was being inhaled and exhaled simultaneously). That never ending feeling of being pulled from my body, while at the same time misting out of it and "blending" with my guardian angels (who are also figures of air - except for the main big one who is always clad in a purple cloak and one that he keeps for me. ???) are experiences I will never forget and one I hope to experience again soon.

    Blessed Be Zeo!

  2. Had a very strange experience a few years ago myself, very much the same as yours Zeo.
    It felt like a dream but everything had this yellow tinge to it, I was in a room (or what felt like a room) with 4 other people. We were standing in a circle arms outstreatched to the sides towards each other, I didnt know the others except one person which a friend had told me about (so I didnt really know much about him other than his name, Jonathan).
    It felt very comfortable, like we had know each other for years and we were discussing something. But something happened, Jonathan and I were arguing about something (if I remember he was negatively influencing a close friend of mine), he said something that made the group turn against me, the atmosphere turned very cold and in this dream/projection I seemed to faint/pass out, everything went black and I woke up. Never really understood what it meant

  3. Thank you both for sharing your experiences. It is so good to read other peoples experiences as it makes us also know that we are not loosing it.

  4. Zeo, I have had similar experiences when 'dreaming' but its too real to be a dream. I feels like I have just stepped into someone's life for a few minutes. I have even jokingly said that I think I astral travel in my sleep, but now I know that its not a joke. Some of the 'dreams' feel like its me, but living another life, some younger, some older. In one of them I am with a man that in THIS life is my priest ( he is also my soulmate!) and in another I have VERY intimate encounters with a man who is a distant cousin of mine. I have had various past lives with both these men, this I have established with past life regressions. But is it correct to call it past lives, if everything is happening at the same time and on different planes, its all a bit confusing to me... And how is it that you sometimes just know something even though you have no proof... Big hugs Nicola

  5. Hey Zeo! I'm Spin and I have traveled astrally for as long as I can remember. My dreams feel more real than my waking life so I know how it feels to 'know' things without explanation. I've had this one recurring trip to a mansionlike house where I always look different yet everyone else knows who I am. I like my incarnations. May your guides stay strong, Zeo.
