Monday 12 March 2012

The Undiscovered Country

The future is what I like to call the Undiscovered Country. Yes that is based on a movie, but it works for me.
I have come to accept that our future is created by the choices that we make everyday. But it lies within the acceptance of these choices that the truth of our future path lies. What you put in is what you will get out. You need to embrace life. You cannot think that all you have to do is put your one foot in the water and from there decide whether or not it is for you. In order to fully accept, understand and maybe even embrace you need to experience the water in full. Forget about putting in just your one foot. Jump. Take a running start and jump into the water with all your might. Swim a few yards and then decide whether or not you like it. The future is un-for-told and if you at every possible opportunity that comes your way decide not to embrace, because your foot didn't like it, then how do you propose to live a full-enriched life.
You are going to make the wrong choices, you are going to get hurt and maybe even others on your journey, the sooner you realize that the better. But if this is not done out malice then at least you have lived and no one can point the "You didn't even really try" finger your way.
Sit back and think about all the things that you had the opportunity to do. Of those things I am sure there are stuff that you regret not doing. Even only if it is to know what it would be like. The good news is that you are not yet dead and you can still do it. But you need to make it happen and at least give it a running chance. No one can do it for you and if you jump in with an attitude of "I don't think this is for me" or "I don't think it will work" well then you will fail. Henry Ford said: "Whether you think you can or cannot, you are right." When jumping you need to have an open mind and understand that you are living your life, your way. It's not like life came with an instruction manual. There will always be people that are not accepting of how you do things. Realize, for your own sake, that you are doing the best that you can do with what you have. No it doesn't always make sense, but hey, how much of it really does on this round thing called Earth, called home.
The point is, when you one-day lay your head down for the eternal sleep, which of the two statements do you wish to make.
1. Shit, I should have done that
2. Shit, maybe I shouldn't have done that.
It really is that easy. But you need to decide for yourself.

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