Tuesday 5 February 2013

Two of the most Amazing people

In my blogs I have gone on and on about how amazing Paul is. I have written blogs that have been inspired by my close friends. Today I have the urge to tell you about two people, whom without my life would not be what it is today. Two people that have the biggest hearts that I know. Two people that have changed my life.

Riaan and Magdalena Joubert. 
created by Ma

Yes the surname looks familiar. That is because these two people are the parents of my wonderful Paul! With parents like them it is no wonder that he is the way that he is.
Most people dread the in-laws. Believe me, I did. I remember when I first met them. I was shaking in my boots. We were living in Edgemead and they came to Cape Town for a visit. By the time that they arrived at our place Paul was in the shower, if memory serves, and I had to open for them. I didn’t want to do it. Well I think it is more a case of I couldn’t. I was so scared. Remember I am the person that was the reason why Paul moved away. They had never met me before. I was shitting myself. I remember calling them Mnr. and Mev. Joubert until his mom said that I should call them by their first names.
Now, about 4 years later, the only problem that I can honestly say that I have with them, is that we don’t see them often enough. Since they live in Bethal we get to see them maybe once a year. And then only for two weeks or so. And yes that is an issue for Paul and myself because we truly do miss them.

Paul is such a perfect mix of both of his parents.
Maggie is this amazingly creative woman who can make anything happen. All she needs is her PC, her sewing machine, and her punches. With that she can conquer the fucqing world I tell you. Dis net tjoef tjaf en tada and you have exactly what you were looking for.
Lets not forget about Daddy-o (that’s what I started calling Riaan). This man has a workshop, the size of my house. In that workshop, he makes Santa look like a fucqing amateur. There is just about nothing that he cannot create!!

But their creativity is not the only thing that makes them so amazing. Let me tell you about these two people.
They have three children, of which Paul is the youngest. Three amazing children. That alone stands testament to how great they are. The fact that their children, in this day and age, are the wonderful people that they are. But I have to remember (because Ma {which is what I call Maggie} constantly tells me) that I am one of her children. I am serious. And she doesn’t say that I am a son in law. Not a fucq, you want me to get the evil eye, then let me say that. No, she says I am her son. How amazing is that.
I am not the easiest person to just accept. I mean I dress like something out of a Tim Burton movie. I swear a lot, and can drink just as much. I generally do and say what I want and I am just not an easy person to always get along with. Because I speak my mind. So keep in mind that I am all of that, plus I am the guy that their son moved away for. And yet they have completely and utterly accepted me for me.
Ma and Jacqui (my new sister {the eldest of the three children}) apparently calls me the male Gaga, and they intend it as I see it. A huge fucqing compliment!
Daddy-o is the most patient man I have ever met, with the most love for his children. I have seriously never met a man like that. Maybe it’s just because I never had a Dad. But I am telling you, Paul and I can be in the most serious shit (that we caused ourselves {by being stupid}) and we will phone him and ask for help. He never gets upset. As a matter of fact he gets upset if we don’t ask for help. He always says, very calmly, “I hope you have learned your lesson” and then he helps us to fix it. He never raises his voice, he never rejects us. And from what I have seen and heard He will do anything for his kids. ANYTHING!!!
As a matter of fact not just his kids. Beltaine proved it. But that is Hobbit’s story.

Maggie and Riaan have been married for ever. When you look at them you see true love. You see two people who love and respect each other beyond all else. You see a couple that  has proven that 'happily ever after' does exist. It is my hope and wish that Paul and I will also be like them one day.

I know that all of this probably sounds very normal to some of you, but I honestly have no correct expression to give you the full magnitude of how amazing these two people are. Everyone can tell someone how amazing they are, but the awesomeness of ones personality lies within their actions, not in empty words that will fade with time. Those of you that have met them will understand.  I can give you one example. Last year when they were here, one night during Postulancy, Daddy-o decided that he wants to braai, and man can he braai. Yum Yum!! So Dad looked at all of these Postulants and decided that without asking them (meaning without giving them the opportunity to reject out of politeness) that they are braaing with. He went to the shops, got more of everything, including drinks and we had a moerse braai. It was never an issue, it wasn’t obligation. It was just a matter of that mom and dad wanted everyone to be able to eat something with us. Sommer net so, and they made it happen!

I know they read the blog. Ma told me that Daddy-o wanted to get my blog into book form, which is something that I am trying to pursue in anyway, waiting for Jacque in anticipation!!! Apparently they love the blog. He joked and asked me if I am sober when I write all of this, cuz sometimes it is apparently just too funny.
I love you guys so much and I am so grateful to have found people like you in my life. You mean the world to me! Thank you!


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