Tuesday 18 September 2012

Tell it like it is

NB: Before we go into this blog I must just tell you that it is not meant for sensitive viewers. Foul language will be used and parental guidance is advised!!!

Last night we watched the ‘Roast of Roseanne’ on Comedy Central at our friends house, since we do not have a dish. I have always liked Roseanne or let me rephrase, I have always admired her ability to say just whatever the fucq she wants to. And for those of you that don’t know what a roast is, its when ten people get invited to basically climb into each others character but mostly into the character of the guest of honour, which in this case was Roseanne. But they are not sensitive to your feelings on this show. For example, Carrie Fisher, one of the guests, was told that she is the only woman in show business, who’s  action figure is worth more than what she is. They said to Jane Lynch that the reason that she is so thin is because all she eats is pussy. (their words, not mine) And poor Ellen Barken was ripped to shreds.
Roseanne Barr
After that we watched a piece of Trevor Noah where he also rips people to shreds. Although this time it was politicians. On the way home, all of this got me thinking. People that are celebrities, like Roseanne, or comedians, can say just about whatever the fucq they want to. Even though they are making fun of lets say………Djoo-lee-ass, we all laugh. We go home thinking that what we heard was so true, even though it was funny. I bet you Djoo-lee-ass doesn’t think its funny. But that doesn’t bother us because its not us that’s being made fun of.
I also realized that when Roseanne tells people how deeply they can go fucq themselves, and believe me she is not nice about it, people praise her for being an icon that always speaks her mind and for opening the door that changed the face of sitcom in America. Yet when I speak my mind and call someone a cunt then half the nation gets a stroke. “How dare he say these things?” Yet I find that there are always false people around that tends to suck up but behind my back I hear what they say, from other people. At least I don’t do that. I will say it to your face. I will look you in the eye and tell you that you are a fucqing waste of meat and not even the vultures will want to peck on your slimy ass when you decide to gift us all and just fucqing die. I don’t gossip about it and spread shitty rumours, I say it to your face, and somehow this makes me the bad guy.
Now no one has gossiped, cuz I know people like Gustha are gonna read this and she is gonna be all like “who said what, who must we fucq up”, so just relax, no one said anything. I am just having the need to bitch about the fact that how “comedians” can essentially say whatever the fucq they want to but I have to put a guard at my mouth. And you know that Roseanne wants to run for President of the United States. I am saying let her. I hope she wins, its better than that piece of shit Romney. At least if she is President, everyone will always know exactly what Americas stance is on any issue.  There will be no doubt.
So I am endeavoring to say more of what I feel without fearing that people will be offended. So fucq you if you are offended, afterall, you are only offended if what I say is true.
This does not mean that I am going to go out there and purposefully be a cunt and piss people off. Not at all. I am not out start a “witch-war” as some people might call it, so relax DL. I am just not gonna give a rats ass. How you take it up, well that’s your fucqing issue.
Ah and the question that everyone is asking now “Yea but can you handle it when it is thrown back at you?” Of course I can fucqing handle it. I have been handling it for years when pilgrims who decide that their whiney assed opinions are now part of some ancient fucqing wisdom, will talk the biggest load of bullshit about me to everyone that only has one brain cell.
No, not every blog is gonna be a rude piece of me telling people how fucqed up they are. Things will carry on as they always have, I am just saying that I am just gonna fucqing say it and the world must just take it like they have been taking Roseanne’s bullshit for the last 100 years. If it makes you feel better, think of me as a Pagan Comedian. Maybe that will make it easier to laugh. Who knows in how many ever years, people might also tell me that I open the door for Pagan leaders to actually admit that no matter how much you think our shit smells like Lavender, we are just fucqing human as well. Because people expect the leaders to be all angelic and serene and certain leaders like to play the part and pretend that they are so fucqink wonderful. Maybe just maybe I can show you all that as a Pagan leader, it is really ok to just be a fucqing human and enjoy life, like you preach for people to do.


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