Tuesday 24 January 2012

Is Being Human so Bad?

So we are in 2012 and it seems to me that everyone is loosing it. Ok yes that is harsh as some of these people are my friends and Temple members but still. I can accommodate everyone up until a certain point and then I more often than not get lost in my thoughts while they talk on and on and oooonnnnnn.
It would seem that everyone is reading Doreen Virtue, Syvia Brown and more authors of the like all on roughly the same topic...
Atlantis and then about something other than human. Now I mean no disrespect when I type the next part but seriously It was fun in the beginning and there are a few people whom I will take seriously on this matter cuz they are talking sense in a way that I can understand. The rest of em’, stay far far away from me please.
It seems that being a human being on Earth in the 2012, is simply just not good enough for thousands of people. Everyone wants to be something different. Anonaki and Dragon riders and mermaids and unicorns and and and.
Do you listen to what you sound like when go on and on about this? Do you not hear how t sounds like maybe your should take some time out in a padded room? Let me do this little skit for you. This person is on a reality TV show. Lets call her Anne and the presenter of the show is called ………Jack.

Jack: “Good evening and welcome to tonights show as 4 new contestants battle out to be this weeks winner. Lets meet them. Evening Anne tell us a bit about yourself and where you come from.”
Anne: “Ag fank you Jack, Ja my name is Anne and I frrrom Krrraaifontein in Cape Town. I am a house wife wif frrree childrrren, who I prrromised to say hello to. Hello Saartjie, Janneman en Katinka, Mamma is baie life vir julle en luister nou vir Pappa ne.”
Waves hysterically at the camera
Jack: ” What do you do for hobbies Anne”
Anne: “Ag Jack , I knit and cook and bake and then I like to tame drrragons and rrride them. But it is difficult since I am actually a unicorn myself.”

Really?............... I mean really? And you teach people? No wonder this country is so fucked. I am sure it is at this point where the producers of the show phones Stikland and as Anne comes off the show they give her a nice jacket and then lock her the fuck up.  I don’t have a unicorn horn, well only in the mornings and when I am randy, but I promise you its not between my eyes.
I went to a talk last year where this woman professed that she is a dragon rider and that Madiba ripped open his chest to tame one dragon while the Anonaki was terrorizing it and lots of other stuff like that. I just cannot grasp onto these concepts. I have tried. I have read the books and gone to so many workshops and talks and I just cannot see these people as anything other than charlatans.
I have been trying to figure out why these people sell this shit and secondly why people buy it. And here is my conclusion.
I think that people are tired of God. After all the wars and horrible things that has happened in this world, people are now tired of unanswered prayers. So they are searching for something else that will put value in their miserable lives by giving them something that will make them feel like more than just another person. And then there are people that see this as an opportunity to make money. Hell if I was a bigger asshole I would also exploit this but I simply cannot. I cannot swallow this and I don’t normally have problems with swallowing. On more than a few occasions I have asked these people to please impart their knowledge with me and show me how this is true and then the only references they can site me is Hollywood movies. That’s what they find their foundation in. Telling me that I have to pick a side cuz the battle for middle Earth is coming and the Elves and humans have already united against the orcs and all the time I am thinking “Maybe you have seen Lord of the Rings once too many”. Whats worse is the seriousness that these people have about this.
I just don’t get it. I wish I could be refunded for all the talks that I have been to, to try and understand this. Maybe I am also just to dense to get it. I admit I am a natural blond. But with all this happening and all the issues that these people/creatures have with each other and that they portray in their own charracter, I am thinking “Hell it’s kinda nice just to be human”. 


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