Days go past and the mirror is once again forgotten.
Grimhilda is as happy as a pig in shit but of course the “sad” business of
Snow’s funeral had to be taken care off. The afternoon after the funeral
Grimhilda heard a familiar voice in her head. “How sure are you?” the voice of
the mirror asked her in her head. She stormed off to her chambers. When she
entered her chambers she again heard the voice, but this time she heard it with
her ears “How sure are you?”
She gazed into the mirror but saw only her own
reflection. “How sure am I about
what? I don’t understand what you mean” Grimhilda screamed into the air holding
her hands in fists of anger. Then the voice responded “You are not asking the
correct question.” Grimhilda panted and wanted to bash her hand against the
mirror. Then as if flipped by a switch she composed her herself completely and
she was once more the picture of a Lady.
“Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who is the most beautiful of
them all?”
As always her image starts to blur and the dark clothed man
stares back at her. “You my Queen are as beautiful as ever. A true pleasure to
behold. But deep in the dark woods there is a girl with skin as white as snow,
that challenges everything that you hold dear.”
The Queen screamed! Picked up her chalice and threw it at
the mirror. The mirror broke into hundreds of pieces but as it shattered it
moved back to fix itself. She got a fright and stumbled backwards. “The error
of the life of Snow White is not my doing. I suggest you take it out on the one
that did not do as he was ordered.”
The next morning, George, the Huntsman was beheaded for high
In the next few days Grimhilda had learned that Snow had
become cozy in the house of 7 midgets. Rumour has it that they are struggling
to make ends meet and that things for the 8 of them are rather strapped. The
queen decided to send merchant on
route to the decrepit home. He was to befriend Snow and get her hooked on crack
or acid or coke, either would do.

Through the magick of the mirror the Queen rained for
another hundred years. They became very good friends. Every so often the Queen
would ask her mirror. “Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the most beautiful of
them all?” Please with the outcome the queen celebrated.
Now legend goes that this the way that drugs came into the
world. And this way snobby little prissy bitches like Paris Hilton and Brintey
Spears would be punished for being overindulgent and ungreatful. It is said
that Snow lived forever. Hers was the curse to live forever under the rule of
the Queen and her children that she had. ………… Which children? Well lets just
say that even though the mirror could not completely be freed, as you know some
parts of him could, as long as his heart was inside the mirror.
So next time you are stopping at a traffic light and a very
ugly, very old, crack whore begs for money, remember, that could be Snow White.
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