Ok so I am sure we have all see the fiasco of the fresco
that wasn’t quite restored to its previous glamour. For of those of you that
has not seen it, before we carry on, take a look at the video link below.
Now my first and most dominant reaction to this is that I am
pissing myself laughing. Seriously I cannot stop laughing about this and every
time I see it, it just gets funnier and funnier. But there are a few things
that boggles the mind.
Firstly, apparently the Priest asked her to restore this
fresco. But she also states that she is an amateur artist. Now which part of
amateur did he not understand? Did he not ask to see some of her previous
amateur work? Or did he just believe that it would be ok. I personally think
that he should be held responsible for this fuck up. Stupid fucking Priest.
Secondly, I realize that her grand daughter says that it
went well when she started with the tunic. She says that she didn’t do it in secret and that everyone could
see her painting. How did no one see that she was giving Jesus plastic surgery?
Or was it something she quickly did in an hour. Even so, it is normal to go look
over a painters shoulder. People are nosy, how did no one pick this up or stop
Maybe the Priest realized that they needed a fresh breath of
air in the church and actually commissioned this lady to redo the churches most
famous logo. You know to move with the times. I know I am taking the piss out
of this and yes a small, very small part of me actually feels sorry for the
poor old lady who just thought she was doing a good thing, but the biggest part of
me can see the humour in this and it is fucking funny people.

So this morning I get onto my Facebook and see that the new
face of Jesus has already travelled to Rio where they have adapted the statue
to take on this new look. (Yes obviously I know its Photoshop, but its still
kak funny.) So I am wondering what will be the next thing to be changed to this
new look of the Catholic Church. What will the Holy Saints look like when
painted in this new fashion. But what I wonder the most is:, What did his Holy
Father, the Pope, in Rome have to say about this? Did he have a stroke? Did his
nazi blood finally over run his logical sense? Not that I believe the doos has
any logic. I only give my strong opinion about him since he himself has made
some really shitty public statements on behalf of the Catholic Church.
See, Jesus is sexy! |
There are of course two reasons that could have sparked this
new style. The first is that in previous pictures of Jesus, I will admit he is
a sexy man. Quite a catch and honestly, I would do him. In a heartbeat. So
maybe this is a way of stopping the perversion surrounding Jesus end ending
Blasphemy, well at least when it comes to perving over the Son of God.
The second reason could be a marketing ploy. New Logo which
is easy for everyone to draw. Soon they will have action figures and a series
on Cartoon Network with all kinds of matching merchandise! Before we know it
there will be a movie and then all kinds of other toons will want to do
crossover episodes with him. Jesus and Spongebob! Before you know it he will
have his own talk show, Jesus and pals. And you all thought that South Park
Blasphemous. They were ahead of their time and could see the future of the
Catholic movement!
I wonder what the Jews feel about this? Bwhahahahahahahaha I
am sorry that is just too funny!
All I do know at this point regarding this ……….brillaint new
style is that I for one am waiting with baited breath to see what else this
artist is going to change. It is afterall a new age.
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