So after being sick for a number of days I am kinda back on
track. Fuck I hate having a cold fever. I normally in winter sleep under a
sheet and one thin duvet in my boxers. I get hot very quickly and don’t get
cold easily. From Sunday to last night I have been sleeping in leggings, a
vest, full tracksuit and a jersey under four blankets and still I am cold. It
was terrible. Like getting cold from the inside out, if that makes sense. The
weird thing is that Saturday night we went to go watch Pope Joan at a friends
house. Mel who is also a Reiki Master. She gave me one look and asked me if I
was getting sick. I very proudly said no, cuz I really didn’t feel sick at all.
Sunday morning I was like Germany. One minute no wall next minute divided. Fine one minute……….then……….fucked sick.
Could not even stand. Was way too dizzy. Anyway that is not what this blog
entry is supposed to be about. But you should all know by now that I do
ramble. So lets go back to

Anyway so after that we had to go to Canal Walk to sort out
some stuff. So Paul, Edward, Hobbit
and myself are off to Canal Walk. I am as per normal dressed as if I am part of
some form of experiment but feeling good about myself. Dressed in black and
brown with lace and rings and al too gothic.
Paul and Edward decide that they cannot keep up with Hobbit
and myself when we shop so we split up.
Standing in @Home, which is one of my favourite shops, Hobbit says she
wants to buy me a gift. So over the moon me start to run around in the shop
looking at everything and thinking what would look best where in the
house. It is at that point that
Hobbits rational mind, for the first time in a long time, clicked in and she
said: “that’s it. Lets go to Foschini” My face dropped, my heart sank and I said
my long farewells to the most beautiful toilet roll holder, of which they only
had one.
Walking out the shop I ask her why we going there and she
said, still in her rational and logical state (which by the way is very rare
for her) “If I buy you something from @Home it is going to be for the house and
not for you and on any other day that would be fine, but not today. Today I
want to buy something for you only.” So now my mind is racing as to what makes
today so different. Anniversaries, birthdays, Christmas, some Muslim or Jewish
or other spiritual holiday (with Hobbit anything is possible) and I cannot find
a single reason why Saturday the 12th could possibly be important.
So I give up and ask her. She responded with the following “Tomorrow is mothers
day” Quickly I check to see exactly how big my man boobs are by now and wonder
what I have spawned this time “and even though you are not my mother you are
the founder of the Tradition and as such you are our mother and father. I want
to do something for you cuz you have no idea how much you mean to me and how
much you have done for me.” Well I was almost in tears. Almost but I was
wearing eyeliner and mascara and couldn’t let it run over my face. So she
bought me this stunning black over the shoulder throw with a fake fur collar.
Stunning for the Opera.

I was dating a girl, cant remember her name and she used to
tell me that I am so sexy and that I am really a unique individual. I never
believed her and said that “One day if a complete stranger tells me these
things I might believe it” And so I went through life. Always saying the same
thing. Even when Paul compliments me, I say thank you, but come on he is my
Fiancé. So he is biased. No one random person has ever said anything nice to
me. As in to my face. I get hate mail, bwhahahahahahaha. Seriously, Apparently
I am unapproachable, or some such bullshit.
Ok so we are having coffee at Mug and Bean in Canal Walk and
suddenly this woman, well elderly lady, who looks like she just came from a Dutch
Reformed Church meeting walks to our table. She had the floral blazer, pleated
skirt, the works. You know the kind of Afrikaans lady that normally looks at me
and then mumbles “Satan” She stood next to Edward, opposite me, looked me in
the face and then said (I am translating her Afrikaans to English) “I just have
to tell you that you are beautiful. And what you are wearing is simply
stunning. And you wear it with
such grace and personality. You are stunning and don’t let anyone tell you
otherwise. You stand, head and shoulders, above all these other people here. I
love it. I just had to tell you that you are beautiful. It makes me so happy”
and then she was gone. We all saw her and she left. Just like that. I went
blood red. Blushing like you cannot believe it. It was like an FNB advert “where
did she come from?” I still don’t know what made her do that. I still don’t
know who she is. Maybe she was just a messenger. Who knows? What I do know is
that it made me feel so good and so pretty and special and I was glowing the
entire day because of it. That and maybe I should start listening to Paul when
he says nice things to me.
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