I have to just share this one thing with you. One of my friends contacted me to tell me that her work had to unblock this blog for her as it was filled with too much ‘cussing’. Firstly I thought it was hysterical. I could not stop laughing. But I went home and I told Paul and he responded by saying “there is no profanity on you blog, or am I just desensitized?” This made me think. Have I just become foul-mouthed bastard? So I try to read through the blog with an objective eye. Sure as shit, there is a lot of cussing. Fuck this and fuck that. To someone who comes from a well to do home this may all seem a bit much.
So I start to think that maybe I should just tone it down. Maybe I should start to find alternative words for fuck and ass and cunt and dickhead and all the other colourful metaphors that I use. Maybe I should say something like “oh Flowers” or “Flowers you”………….
It just doesn’t have the same intensity to it that “Fuck You Buddy!!” There seems to be so much passion in that simple three word sentence. The people that know me personally will know that it is not put on. This is how I speak. I type things here exactly the way I would say it. And yes I do use the F word a lot. But is that really that bad? I don’t lie, I don’t steal, people always know where they stand with me. So do a few fucks really matter all that much in the bigger scheme of things? I am a good person, I do charity work out of my own free will, I give of myself constantly to students, my door is always open to someone in need, I take of my family (which includes not only my wonderful man, but my cats and snake and plants), I earn a honest living. Okay sure I dress like I am part of an experiment but that is about the weirdest thing about me. So in between all of those things that I do, do a few profanities really matter?

However killing and raping people is a far way from a few foul words. They say that’s how it starts. “How what starts?” I ask. “How most serial killers start, form here you start to torture your pets”
Now not that it is anyone’s business, but my cats get a very nice, very expensive food that is just about the best, The also get raw chicken breasts once a week and they drink only filtered water. They have their own pillow and blanket and at night sleep under the blanket with me. Even their bum gets wiped, and I am being very fucking serious. After all of that, why the hell would I want to hurt them?
So this entry is not as long as the previous ones but it just to make sure that those that have an issue with my foul mouth knows that it is not gonna change. If you don’t like it, then don’t read my fucking blog!
Have a wonderful weekend everyone
Too fuckin funny and I can almost hear you saying all of this - lol. I find the natural way you have of 'cussing' somewhat refreshing, but then that's just me. :-)