Now I am not the first psychic to ever talk about this
issue. I have heard many a psychic talk about it amongst themselves.
Unfortunately none of them want to talk about it publically, as it might affect
their business. I am however not bothered. I am going to talk about it. There
is this belief (even among some psychics) that psychics are above getting upset
or above human emotions that even linger slightly towards anything negative. We
are humans, our shit stinks just like yours and just like you we can also get upset.
Being psychic does not mean that you never raise your voice or lose your shit,
it just means that when I lose my shit, I may just throw a tarot deck at your
What I am going to explain here is something that has
happened to many of us, myself included. And it has happened to me many times.
Hopefully this blog entry will help to eliminate the problem. Well maybe that
is pushing it, maybe just make it happen less. We are after all still
So here’s the deal. I get a WhatsApp message from number
unknown and it says:
“Hi can you do reading for me”
Excuse me? Who are you? Where did you get my number? Was it
a referral or an advert or ….
Now if the message had said something like:
“Hi my name is Bobby and I saw your add on Facebook. Would it
be possible for me to book a reading with you?”
This message I might consider to help. MIGHT. Do you see
that I say might. Why, you ask. Why only might? Do you WhatsAop your Doctor or
Lawyer or Dentist to make an appointment? No? Then why should your Psychic be
happy with such poor manners? As a matter of fact, if you cannot pick up a
phone and spend the R2 on a phone call, because you are clearly to cheap, what
makes you think you can afford my fee if I decide to even entertain your bad
People have this notion that they can do to their psychic
whatever it is that they want, “because we pay you”. You pay me for a service
that I provide to you. You don’t own me buddy. Even existing clients treat
their psychics like shit. Do you really want to be treating the person that
knows every intimate detail of your life, like shit? Go think about that. As a
matter of fact, whatever it is that we are charging you, you should double it
out of your own free will, just to make sure that we shut up about all the shit
that you are getting into.
But I am not done. When you make an appointment with a
psychic, just who do you think you are, to cancel on the last minute or arrive 30 minutes late? You tend to always assume that we do not have lives and will just wait for you until Jesus cometh again, and be okay with it.
psychic, just who do you think you are, to cancel on the last minute or arrive 30 minutes late? You tend to always assume that we do not have lives and will just wait for you until Jesus cometh again, and be okay with it.
All of these things have happened to me and to psychics that
I know. When we get upset or refuse to give you service, our names get spread
over the internet about what bad human beings we are. Look in the mirror if you
want to see a bad, rude, selfish and unprofessional human being.
I am completely aware that this does not apply to everyone,
but lets be real it applies to many. I am not expecting to save the world, I am
far to jaded for that. All I am asking you is to think about how you treat or
approach your psychic, because we deserve better.
Have a fabulous day!
Thank you very much! This also happened to me a while ago where a lady wanted a reading. Never mind the fact she sent me a WhatsApp about it, but then I had to make space in my rather full work day to take the trip by bus to her in Sea Point to do the reading. nuh-uh!