Friday, 16 September 2011

Spring Fever

It is widely accepted here in South Africa and probably most (if not the entire) southern hemisphere that spring day is on the 1st of September. On that day people wear floral (puke, puke) or just dress up in various colourful clothes. I never got it.  However I just want to point out something here, and maybe I am wrong and I am more than willing to admit that I am. But is spring day not on the Spring Equinox? Which means that this year it is on the 23rd of September. In Cape Town we currently have sunny days and then suddenly rainy days. Then you must hear the people complain. “I thought it was supposed to be spring” blah fucking blah. Point in fact. When winter switches over to spring it is not going to be a sudden WHAM no more rain and sunny beginnings. It is a gradual change over from one to the other. There will still be rain. Nature is not dictated by what we think it should do on any given season. And then when it gets too hot then people complain again. We are the most ungrateful shits that walk this planet.
Or we watch the weather at night and then the next day it is not as what the poor weather man predicted. I say poor cuz I feel sorry for the doos. Here is this guy, just doing what he gets paid to do. He doesn’t even try to predict the weather. He just looks into monitor and reads what whoever tells him to read. No not God, just some random person that also just tries to predict the weather. Jisses and then when the weather is not as the weather man said it would be, we all kak him out. Die arme vokken man doen net sy job. Can you imagine how his ears must buzz everyday?
Personally I do not watch the weather, I do not listen to it on the radio nor do I look it up on the internet. If I happen to see it somewhere, then fine but I am not going to go out of my way to try and find it. Why? Cuz I don’t believe that it can be predicted. Think of it this way. The weather is kinda like God’s mood. He can wake up happy but then he gets pissed off cuz the Pope is being taken to court and it rains. Then he learns that the Pope is guilt and the fucker should go to prison then he is even more pissed off cuz this is after all the head of the Catholic church so it hails. Or some shit like that. I mean can you predict your partners every mood, one day in advance? I don’t fucking think so and if you can then both you and your partner needs to get a life.
Then spring arrives and we all throw things out. We grab mops and brooms and lappies and we clean like it is the new in thing to do. We call this spring cleaning. If you think about this it is actually very disturbing. Does that mean that we are only allowed to give our homes a good cleaning when it is spring time? So for the rest of the year our home must look like a hookers handbag. Personally I think A good cleaning (aka Jik bomb) should happen at least once a week. If you keep it clean it is really not a mission to maintain your house. Also nee sies man vok you should be happy to clean your house. Why would you want to live in a dirty house. Do you want to fight the roaches and worms for your food? Then I have also noticed how some people do a serious cleaning and then in the middel of Autumn they will “Oh I spring cleaned my house.” Should it not be a autumn cleaning?
Spring, Why do we make such a big deal out of it? Hundreds of years ago we used to wait for it and then we would have to do stock take of food that was stock piled and old people that died. But in this modern age, why? Why is it such a big deal?


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