Tuesday, 6 September 2011


I am in the last two days feeling very nostalgic. I am missing people that I do not know and I miss my mom terribly. So last night I went to go visit my one friend. Naomi. We have been friends since we are six years old and her mom is like a real mom to me. So we are sitting there and she is telling me story after story about how dangerous the road has become that she lives in. She tells me about the burglary that they had and the gun fights and all the terrible things there. Which leads me to tell her that maybe it is time for her to sell the house and then move to a better area. But she doesn’t want to do that. All of this lead me to think of all the things we are so unwilling to do to better ourselves. Are we as humans, willing to sacrifice our own safety in order to be left in a comfort zone that is not safe at all?

This made me think of when I went to Durban. I took with the camera obviously and before I went I was so paranoid about the fact that someone would steal the camera. It is his camera that was a gift from his mother. He then tells me that I must please look after the camera but if someone wants to mug me and it is between the camera or my life, I must give the camera. Out of instinct I responded and said that I would hit the person with the camera and run. Why do we do this? Why do we have this need to be strong and mucho and risk our lives for material mundane things? Is that the price tag that you put on your life? If you fight for a two thousand rand cell phone in a mugging you are in fact telling everyone that your life is worth only two thousand rand. Safety and life should not have a price tag on it and if yours does then there is something seriously wrong with you. I am not saying that I do not make the same mistake. We all make that mistake. Each one of us at some point worry about something material that in fact will not shape or mold our futures.

The sad things is, that when we place such a small price on our lives what is our souls or spirituality worth to most people? Let me tell you, it’s free. They don’t care about it at all. They will fight for that two thousand rand cell phone but ask the to do a course on ………. Lets say meditation and it costs R600. This course lasts for three months and costs R600 in total. You know what we do, we think of reasons on why we can’t do it or why it is expensive or why it is not needed and and and. Apparently it has become more important to have a nice cell phone. Inner peace, why should we invest in that? Who wants inner peace? I am not saying that you should now go and give all of your money to the local church or the pastor, but keep things in perspective. Forget about the afterlife. It is not about buying your way into the afterlife, it is about improving the quality of your current life.

Just a thought, use it, don’t use it.


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