Last night I watched a documentary on Aleister Crowley. It was a about a 40 minute show but I found it to be very one sided. Even though they had historians and Catholic priests and even a satanic writer on the show as well as Martin Booth (the man who wrote the book on Crowley) it seemed to be more of a ‘let’s just make him out to be a bad man’ show.They mentioned nothing of his work in the Golden Dawn. No mention of his Tarot Deck that he designed. There was no mention of his joining of the Pickengill covens or his meeting with Gerald B Gardner with the aim of helping Gardner to write up the rites for the new Wicca movement.
Instead they just continuously called him ‘The Beast 666’ (a name that he truly did give himself to rebel against his Christian upbringiing) and ‘the wickedest man on in the world’. In a way I am sure that J.K. Rowling based her character of Lord Voldemort on him. Surely other people have based various fictional characters on him, even Dion Fortune did. But in the first Harry Potter book the wand maker says the following of Voldemort “He who must not be named, did many great things. Terrible yes, but great.” In his later years he is said to have calmed down and raise a son also named Aleister. According to his diaries it looks as if he regrets the way he lived his life, but who can truly say. Maybe him helping Gardner was a way of trying to redeem himself.
But this documentary also failed to mention was that in 2002 the BBC acclaimed Crowley with the award of being the 73rd greatest Britt.
But this documentary also failed to mention was that in 2002 the BBC acclaimed Crowley with the award of being the 73rd greatest Britt.
Crowley made popular the use of Correspondences in magick. He was a fore runner for helping people to face their shadow self in what he called ‘The Nightmare Room’ in his Abbey of Thelema in Sicily. He put the use of sex magick on the map and gave people back their personal power. I am not trying to make him out to be a saint, but I am trying to make the average person who follows the occult that whether or not you like him and what he did, he made huge impacts on our way of life.
So even though this is not a long blog, I am urging you to read up on this man that changed the face of the esoteric world forever.
Here is just one website