Wednesday, 31 October 2018

Some of the meanest people I have ever met.

I know a lot of people. I have been around the block and because of my involvement in the Pagan community I have met the most fantastic people. I have even met with Jewish diplomats when attending a talk at the Holocaust Museum. The journey has been incredible. The bridges I have built between Pagans and non-Pagans could in and of itself become a book. The shit I have had to endure all for the sake of Paganism (volk en nasie, as Darkwolf used to say), the things I have had to do and the hate mail I have received.
But let me tell you a secret. The most backstabbing, distrusting, vengeful people I have met on my journey, has been South African Pagans. Now of course I am not talking about all of them. I have met some incredible people that are Pagan in this country. True Pagans as I like to call them. But for very one of those there are three that are just not worth it. I am not pretending to be an angel here, but hear me out.