Thursday, 23 February 2017

Trackers for Jesus

If you do not have a sense of humour please do not read this blog. I need to also state that I have no problems or issues with Christ. It is his fan base however that has the ability to piss me off more than a leaky gas pipe in Auschwitz. Even though I am Pagan, I also have a sense of humour and when someone jokes about my spirituality I can laugh with them. Because humour, I think, should actually be everyone’s first spirituality. Lastly let me also point out that it is my fucqing blog and technically therefore I can say on here whatever the fucq I want. With all those disclaimers out of the way, let’s get to it.

I seem to have been indirectly placed on the path of Jesus, or rather some of his followers. In my opinion, the extremists. I know many fantastic good people that are Christians, but I also know many extremists. “The Born Agains”. Even the non born again Christians that I know are weary of these calibre of followers.
Just the term “born again”…ai jirre.
I have a guy that works with me in Steampunked-Z. He is Christian, wears his W.W.J.D. bracelet and everything. But the two of us get along like a house on fire. We have the same sick sense of humour and we can chat about everything and when we don’t chat we are both comfortable in the silence. We spoke about the “reborn” issue as well and even he said that he doesn’t know about those people. The “re” in the term “reborn” already suggest that it is something that you have to do over because the first one wasn’t good enough. By default here you are insulting your entire existence and the person that gave birth to you. Be that as it may, now you are redoing your birth. How?
To answer this I had to go look at what the Thesaurus explains to be born:

be born - come into existence through birth; "She was born on a farm"
hatch - emerge from the eggs; "young birds, fish, and reptiles hatch"
change state, turn - undergo a transformation or a change of position or action; "We turned from 
Socialism to Capitalism"; "The people turned against the President when he stole the election"
fall - be born, used chiefly of lambs; "The lambs fell in the afternoon"
come into being, come to life - be born or come into existence; "All these flowers come to life when the rains come"
reincarnate, transmigrate - be born anew in another body after death; "Hindus believe that we 

I somehow cannot marry any of the above with Jesus. Unless he is a half human half plant female Hindi farmer that is running for office against a corrupt government. Hey, stranger things have happened and fucq knows I would vote for him. Now I know some of you are asking why didn’t  I look up “reborn” in the Thesaurus. Well that would be stupid.  As the pre word “re” states that the verb is born, we are just doing it again.
Besides I would get the terms meaning as per those types, which is biased. I am not look for a REinterpretation of a factual word. So let’s put this word to bed then. We are now hopefully all on the same page.

What this blog is actually about is the finding of Jesus, not finding your faith, but finding Jesus. That specific statement. These types all say that they found Jesus. ..
Before I give my interpretation of this let me just get this straight. As far as my understanding goes, God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are all part of the Holy Trinity. Meaning they are all actually the same being. God is in everything and we are made in his image. So God, Jesus or the Holy Spirit is in fact everywhere and in everything. As far as I know it says that God is even present in those that do not believe in him. He is omnipresent and omnipotent.

Right, so how did you lose him? I mean to say that, if you found Jesus it suggests that you lost him. And because you cannot be talking about the omnipresent and omnipotent being (due to the above description) it would mean therefore that you referencing to a Mexican gardener perhaps. I don’t know, I am asking. What bothers me more is that whatever this personification of Jesus is that everyone is looking for, no action has been taken.  If you understand that he is omnipresent then all you need to do is open your eyes and see him everywhere and in everything, you won’t have to find him. Yet people are looking for him.
But did anyone file a missing persons report?  How long has it been that he has been missing?  And when someone finds him can’t they just release it to the media so that everyone will know where to go? Has his face been on USA milk boxes? Get a tracker on the man. Fucq put a bell around his neck. We have a satellite in space that can track and age a haemorrhoid on a retired hooker in the basement level of a brothel in Hillbrow, but is somehow cannot find this Jesus guy.

I am going to be pro active here and put the word out. If you have seen him, if you know where he is, email me. I will send word out that we found him. He might be hiding in a hole in the ground. It worked for Sadam. Who is to say? My email address is let me know the moment you have information on his whereabouts.

Have a wonderful day everyone

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