One morning, not too long ago, a few weeks to be exact. I
wake up, say my gratitude’s and proceed to read the morning news, as I do every
day. See it is good to make a list of what you are grateful for before reading
the news. It kinda helps you through it.
What do I see on every single page? Cecil the Lion.
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Cecil the lion |
So here’s how this goes, for those that has of yet not been drowned in this ‘soppy slit your wrists novel’. This dentist from America arrives in Zimbabwe. Pays a safari hunter $55 000 to shoot a Lion with a bow and arrow. The Lion that was shot had a tracking collar, was much loved by the game park and was used in a Oxford research project. The Lion had a name. It was, yes you guessed it, Cecil. That is basically the gist of the story. This all happened in early July 2015. It is now early August 2015 and the world is still fucqing insane over this Lion.
Please don’t get me wrong. I am an activist and an avid fighter
for animal rights. Yes even though a certain ex tried to convince people I
apparently eat my cats. Who by the way is not called Cecil. I have a slightly
higher......shall we say imagination (talking about the cat names, not the ex. Although she wasn't called Cecil either). It is terrible that a lion got hunted in
a national park. I get it. And I am all for justice being done and for the
crime to be paid. I am there with you. But is it needed for this to be the
second Holocaust?
People are loosing their fucqing minds over this. Park
officials now apparently want the lions to be mounted in glass. America is
marching and picketing until the cows come home. Please just keep them away
from any dentists. Celebrities all over the world are raving and causing such
scenes over this horrible event. It is crazy. Seriously. It is just about a
month later and still people are going on and on about the fucqing dentist who
shot a lion. If you ask me, by now his biggest crime is going to Zimbabwe for a
holiday. I mean who the fucq does that? Seriously. Who goes to Zimbabwe out of
their own free will. Not even Zimbabweans wants to be in Zimbabwe. They are all
lodging here in South Africa. Ask them why.
“Oooo that man. That Robert Mugabe, he is crazy”
Back to the moral of the story. So the world is picketing
and rioting and raising money and getting animal rights laws involved and going
live on international television to 1. save the memory of this lion 2. Make sure
justice is carried out and 3. To prevent this sad story from happening again.
Meanwhile on the same continent, just few more countries to
the north we have a region called ‘The Middle East’. Sound familiar? Let’s
recap for those that struggle with geography. This region includes the Arabian
Peninsula and stretches to include, Egypt, Turkey Iran and all those in between.
This region is currently under attack by a group calles
ISIS. No clever monkeys, this has nothing to do with the honoured Egyptian
Goddess. ISIS is an abbreviation for Islamic State
of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS). This group is led by one Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi who on July 5 of last year, stepped
into the pulpit of the Great Mosque of al-Nuri in Mosul, to deliver a Ramadan
sermon as the first caliph in generations, upgrading his position to commander
of all Muslims. It would appear that the mission of this group is to
unify the world under one religion. Take a guess which one.
Now I must admit that up until this
point it doesn't seem that bad. I mean Christianity did it. The problem is that
this mission is being executed (perfect word here) at the cost of so many
lives. All who is a sinner, according to them, must die.
Innocent people are being beheaded and their heads displayed on
spikes. Innocent people are being thrown off of skyscrapers. Innocent people
are being shot by the bus loads. How do I know this for sure. It has been
filmed and photographed for all to see.
Now national monuments are not even safe. In Iran a history museum
has already been destroyed. Apparently they want to destroy the Pyramids as
well and anything that detracts from their worship. This is happening now. As we
speak. This is not hidden, it is not speculation, it is not a fiction. It is in
our faces.
nothing. Maybe that is harsh, nothing visible at least.
The people are too busy picketing for a fucqing lion. A lion. Yet
thousands are being killed. But the people are busy trying to prevent another
lion from being killed. Can you recite the Holy Qu’ran? No? News for you buddy,
neither could a bus load of citizens. Their bodies and blood now rests along the
road. But let’s not forget about this fucqing lion.
Where is America? Or are they not helping because they have
saturated their thirst for oil? Is that what it boils down to Obama? Oil, Black
Gold? What could the reason be that your people are not swarming in to help
as they did when they found Sadam Hussain in Iraq, while they were supposed to
look for Osama Bin Laden in Afghanistan? Or is there a stopping to ask for
directions problem here? Where is the United Nations? South Africa is a member
of the UN. Therefore as a member of South Africa and then by default the UN,
what are our leaders doing, besides for attending the funeral of Cecil the
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