My Dearest Readers
I am afraid that I owe you an apology. I have sent you on a roller-coaster ride of expectancies when it came to me blogging regularly. I
promised you something that I was not able to deliver. For that I am eternally
Life has taken some weird and unexpected turns. Yes, Paul and I are
still together and still very happy and very much in love, before you start freaking out about that.
As a matter of fact, he has been the only constant in my daily life and I
cannot imagine what this world was like B.P. (Before Paul) I know that all
people probably or rather most people, say that they have the best husband or
at least partner in the world, but when it comes to my Paul, I most certainly
nabbed the best one. Sorry for the rest of you.
Due to the changes that has happened in my life, this blog has been
........ almost the last piece that needs to either follow me into the
undiscovered country or be left in the depths of the earth under the sea of
black from which I have journeyed. I realise that this sounds overly dramatic,
but if you know me, you would know that I have a flair for it and even if you
do know me, you won’t know what I have been going through. You see I come from
a generation of strong women (not that I am one). Women that taught us to suck it up and carry on
because the entire world has problems and no one is interested in taking time
out to listen to your shitty story. No, this is not a reflection on what I
think of you my friends and family. I can see people all over the world saying “but
I am always there for you.” I realise that and I am eternally grateful for it.
But some things just have to be done alone. Things like staring death in the
eyes because you no longer feel the need or the want to carry on and even if
you did, you do not know how to carry on.
Back to my point. I thought about what to do with this blog. Should I
stop it all together and delete it, just like one more of those things in life
for which I actually started and did not intend to finish or follow through? Was
I going to start a new blog that was more clean cut and acceptable to all
peoples? I had no idea. Then last night I was watching ‘Julie & Julia’ and
it somehow inspired me. At first it inspired me to cook and bake up a storm.
Then I remembered that can’t do either and that I am on the Tim Noakes ‘Real
meal revolution’ eating plan. So scrap that idea. But this blog came back to
mind. I went to bed having one revelation upon the other. No not all about the
blog, I mean seriously how many revelations can one have about a blog? But
revelations about my life and what I have been through. Dreams that I have had
almost ten years ago suddenly made sense and no I wasn’t on something strong.
As a matter of fact it was before I took my evening valium. That little miracle
pill that allows me to sleep. Ok, those 4 little miracle pills that allows me to
I have decided to carry on with the blog. For those of you that have
been reading and following I thank you so much. Whether or not I know you, you
are part of what is giving me the courage to carry on. Yes even the hate mailers.
But to be honest, I want to keep on writing as I really enjoy it and I do not think
that I will be able to start a new blog. Remember that little technology issue that
I have. You know, the issue of being a techno retard. So I kind of have to keep
the blog if I want to carry on writing. My next choice was to delete all
previous blog entries so that this is a clean new start. I thought that since
we will be moving into our new home in about three months, which is a clean new
start, that maybe the blog should reflect that. But then I remembered my dear
American friend, Anne Rice’s words. This blog was all part of my journey. It is
what got me to this point in my life. This blog is my personal Vampire
Chronicles and just as Anne refused to denounce them I refuse to denounce or
deny mine. Susan Boyle sings a song “Who I was meant to be”. The chorus goes:
“And though I may not know the
I can finally say I am free.
And if the questions led me
Then I am who I was born to be”
That is kind of how I feel about this blog and so many other things. Well in a manner of
speaking of course. For those of you that love my funny stories, I cannot promise you
that I will be writing much of them. I don’t know if I will be writing only
serious stories or even spiritual stories. I do not know which issues I shall
be addressing. I can promise you though, that the journey will continue. I
am now a full time Arch-Priest. I work for myself. I see clients for readings
and healings and spells and so on. I have been told by a few that this is
unwise. So what? Most people have been at my back for most of it and so far it
is going wonderfully. I am using my skills in what I love, to earn an honest
living. I cannot see how that is wrong. My life has become my business. How
weird is that? But also, how awesome is that? The blog will reflect a lot about
this. My musings and thoughts.
Yes I do secretly, no screw it, I openly hope that some editor of some
printing house spots this blog and falls in love with it and approaches me to
write for them or even transform this blog into a book. Who knows what the
future holds? Twelve years ago I was dreaming about the day that I could own a
house, a car, be married to the most amazing
person on the planet, have an awesome family (blood, in-laws and
spiritual) and be a full time witch. It seemed an impossible task. Now, I am
living that dream. Being a published writer seemed just as distant and that
also has happened. A book somehow seems very possible right now.
So here is my pledge to you. I promise to write as often as I can. I
have more time on hand now. On the days that I am not seeing clients or temple
members or new members or family or friends, I will write. I write my ass off
for you. I will share my thoughts and life with all of you. Here is what I want in return though, surely you didn't think you can own a piece of me for free.
Share this page with everyone. Join, subscribe to it. Distribute it. Let it
reach every inch of this Earth. Somewhere an editor is waiting for it.
Thank you all so much for sticking it out with me, even during times
that I have been a royal cunt.
I love you all so much
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