Tuesday, 10 June 2014

What road? To where? Paved with what?

This is the road to hell. - Chris Rea -
There is in the English language this wonderful expression about the road that leads to hell. They say that it is paved with good intentions. I am a firm believer in this maxim of truth. I think that it is so profound that I almost want to credit it to the likes of one Hermes Trismagustus or Dr. John Dee, maybe even Israel Regardi or Carlos Castenada.  All four brilliant minds. So let’s make them share the credit. It is after all my blog. So on here it is now a reality.
Before we carry on, I must just explain that ‘hell’ in this instance, is not an actual destination. It is the outcome of actions or intentions in a negative sense.

Saturday, 7 June 2014

The New Road

My Dearest Readers

I am afraid that I owe you an apology. I have sent you on a roller-coaster ride of expectancies when it came to me blogging regularly. I promised you something that I was not able to deliver. For that I am eternally sorry.

Life has taken some weird and unexpected turns. Yes, Paul and I are still together and still very happy and very much in love, before you start freaking out about that. As a matter of fact, he has been the only constant in my daily life and I cannot imagine what this world was like B.P. (Before Paul) I know that all people probably or rather most people, say that they have the best husband or at least partner in the world, but when it comes to my Paul, I most certainly nabbed the best one. Sorry for the rest of you.