I have not been very active on the blog in the last few weeks as serious changes have been happening in our home and in out life. All of them for the better. What will the outcome of all this be, who the hell knows. But I suppose that is part of the excitement.

A very close friend of mine told me about how she held a grudge to her primary school bully for all these years and then when they were all adults she went to the bar one night, a guy poked her shoulder and asked for light. She nearly died, it was the primary school bully. She had waited her entire life for this moment. But instead she did nothing. She realized that he had no idea who she was. That is when she realized that holding a grudge doesn’t do any harm except to the person that is holding it. She had held onto a grudge for years and years and here was the bully in front of her. He had gone on with his life. Gotten married, had his house white picketed fence and two point four children. No idea who she was. Yet she spent years thinking about him. Making herself feel sick and crying over how he treated her and and and. Instead of spending that energy on something constructive and positive she wasted it on a man that doesn’t even know who she is today. All that stress built up over what?
As you know by now, every meal that I have I, softly to myself, mention 1 thing that I am grateful for. I urge no in fact I challenge you to do the same. Even if it is only for the rest of this year. Every time you have a meal, think of one thing that you are extremely grateful for. Don’t use the same thing more than once. It can be one word or a description. Anything you are grateful for.
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