Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Dom Dronk

Toe ek op skool was, many moons ago (but who’s counting), het ek vreeslik jonk gelyk. Dan het ook nog die probleem dat ek eers aan die einde van die jaar verouder. Dit gepaart met die feit dat ek nie lief was vir die moontlikheid van in kak beland nie, het gemaak dat ek nie rerig probeer in sneak het by die clubs nie. Met die gevolg is, daar was baie house parties. Shame as Dawie se ouers se huis kon praat, was ek so diep in die kak dat dit unreal is. Amper elke tweede naweek n ander girl daar gehad. In die swembad, in die stort, op die pool tafel.......... Ai die goeie ou dae!
Die punt is, die eerste keer wat ek by n rowwe bar party was, was met my ex swaar se bachelors party. Dit was gehou by n moerse groot pub like club plek wat deur sy oom of iets besit was. Die plek, soos meeste pub like club plekke het so effe dodgy gelyk maar hier is ons nou en ons gaan party. My stief pa, op daai stdium, besluit dat ek kan maar daai aand drink, daar is nie worry nie hy sal betaal. Die ding is my vriend Quentin is ook saam en ons gaan mos nou die dam onder die eend se gat uit ruk. So vloei die drankies. Maar jy weet ciders en wyn kan man net so lank gelukkig hou, tot jy mos nou ‘n shootertjie of tien wil probeer. So gaan ek na die barman toe, wat ook die oom is en vra hom of hy shooters het. Hy se ja en haal ‘n bottel Archers Schnapps van die rak af.  Ek het al baie Archers gedrink so besluit dat dit nie n probleem sal wees nie. Hy gooi vir my en Quentin elk n dubbel shot………..O Jirre! Ek weet nou nog nie wat in daai vokken bottle was nie, maar dit was nie Archers nie. Dit was een of ander home brewed kak wat jou oop brand, van jou keel tot by jou poephol. Jy kan flamme geblaas het daarna. Maar dit doen die trick, want nie lank daarna nie is ek en Quentin albei op n heel ander meer happy vibe. Nou kan die wêreld vergaan en dit sal ok wees.
As Hitler nou by daai pub moes instap sal ek die man gesoen groet het terwyl ek se Shalom! Wies dan nou bang?
So gaan die aand aan en dinge raak net al lekkerder soos ons kuier. En soos man nou mar is as hy n drankie of tien in sy gat het, vergeet ek toe heeltemal van die bottel Archers wat alles oop maak. Ek en Quentin besluit dat mens kan net soveel wyn en ciders drink voor man mos nou dors raak vir n ou shootertjie. So vra ons die barman of hy shooters het, Hy haal n bottel Archers Schnapps van die rak af en ons dink, nee wat ons kan Archers drink. Hy gooi n dubbel shot vir elk  en soos dit ons mond dit tref, bring dit so effe iets terug van flame en oop gate. Dinge raak so effe dof maar gou gou is ons so reg soos wat ons moontlik kan wees en ons sit weer op die hoek van die bar en kuier verder.
Die kak is dat nou het ons al tegnies vier shooters in van een of ander Hillbilly home brew en die keer vang hy ons baie gou. Die wêreld raak mooier en mooier en alles is snaakser. Ons begin nou ook so bietjie met die mense mingle en kak praat want almal is dan mos nou sulke goeie mense hier by mooi plek waar ons vannaand kuier.Waar? Niks is dodge nie.
Maar dit was nie lank nie, toe is ons ook nou moeg van wyn en ciders en ons besluit dat ons wil uitvind of hulle dalk shooters verkoop. So vra ons die barman en hy haal n bottel Archers Schnapps van die rak af en ek ken Archers, het hom al baie gedrink so dit gaan nou nie ‘n probleem wees nie. Die barman haal dubbel shot glase uit en gooi vir ons. Die ding ruik so effe bekend maar ek kannie my finger daarop sit nie en toe ek hom sluk onthou van die flammende poephol, waar derms begin knoop. Ek voel so effe soos die butler op “dinner for one” en dit neem my ‘n oomblik om net weer my oe te kry dat hulle albei in een rigtin kan focus sonder dat ek so bietjie in my mond hoef te kots. Maar so oomblik later het ek my pose en die party gaan aan. Nou kuier Quentin al op die barcounter. Ek is op die stasie wat mens begin besef dat jy nou na is aan hoender hoeppel hoer toe dronk. So ek probeer nou eers pose hou. Maar dis nie lank nie en so paar glase later, toe lus ek mos nou vir ‘n ou shootertjie. Quentin se nee hy lus nie vir een nie want hey weet darem nou nie wat nou gebeur het nie, maar skielik voel hy baie kak. Is ook nou geworried dat hy die volgende oggend moet kerk toe gaan nog, want hy speel kitaar in die kerk koor. Nie meer nie, maar het op daai stadium. Ek is so bly dat ek nie hoef kerk toe te gaan nie, want ek is mos n heidin. Kom ons drink n shooter daarop. Die barman haal n bottel Archers af en ek weet ek kan Archers drink. N dubbel shot later weet ek nie meer wat oop gebrand is nie, waar  my derms is nie of wat my naam is nie. Die stripper kom uit, maar van haar kan ek nie veel sien nie, want dis asof my sig nou verander het. Ek voel soos n bytjie wat duisende klein prentjies sien. Nie een van hulle maak sien nie oor dit net a kaleidoscope is van kleure en vorms.
Dis daar wat ek skielik onthou het van al die Swampland Hillbilly Archers wat ek gehad het. Ek besluit toe daar, dat nou moet ek net mooi stil sit. Ek moet my mond net mooi toe hou want as ek nou gaan probeer praat, gaan dit eerstens klink soos n doof stomme van die Avril Elizabeth home en tweedens gaan die persoon met wie ek praat, dalk vrek van alcohol poisoning. En ek kannie met my dronk gat nog in die tronk ook loop sit nie. Onthou daai jare was ek vreeslik straight nog! So daar sit ek nou maar. Met Quentin kan ek praat want ons is albei ewe fucqed en op die stasie verstaan ons mekaar nog perfek. Ja dit klink seker soos 'n alien encounter vir die res, maar dis ok. Hy sal ook nie vrek nie want hy het net so baie soos ek gesuip. So ek is veilig in sy geselskap. Met 'n moerse gejuig is ons eventually die aand daar uit en af met al daai staal trappies, sonder om my vokken nek te breek. Maar dit was wel skielik baie vokken trappies hoor. Nou gaan ons vir Quentin af drop en dan drop my stief poe…., my by my suster se huis af, want sy is alleen daar, oor bruidegomgat by sy ma bly vir die aand.
Toe my suster die deur oopmaak kon sy sien. Hy nou weg! Ek le toe in haar seuntjie se recies kar bed. Sy kamer is langs die badkamer, wat ek kan voel ek binnekort moet gaan besoek. Soos ‘n slang syl ek van die bed af na die badkamer en daar aanbid ek toe by die altar van die porcelyn God Braka! Die ding is dat in my gelowige toestand wat ek daar half le en half kniel, gee ek my offerhande aan Braka en na elke offerhand het ek vir een of ander rede na my suster geroep en en gese “Sussie!! Jou toilet ryk lekker!!”
Ek weet tot vandag toe nog nie wat in daai Archers bottel was nie, maar apparently het dit my sussie se toilet laat lekker ruik!


Monday, 18 March 2013

Fucq the People

I made a comment on Sunday that evoked quite a few responses from people. In truth this comment was not made for any particular reason. I just made it because I could. Seemed like a good idea at the time. Thank you Riaan and Kevin.
I am a positive human being and nowhere did I intend for the comment to be negative, depressing, serious, or anything other than just a statement. Well for those of you that are out of the loop, I said:

“I would rather be hated for what I am, than be loved for what I am not.”

To me this statement first and foremost speaks of the truth of being truthful to who and what you are and not sacrificing that for anyone. The people’s mixed reactions got me thinking. It got me thinking about the “real” factor of people that we know.  How real are some people?

I have in all my years helped many people to try and discover who they are. Personally I feel that this is a mission that will never end. I am still learning things about myself. I am after all a constantly evolving human being. I also found that things that I wanted to try at some point faded out due to my changes in my life and new things replaced them. I try to flow with my life and accept the roads that I find myself on. Explore them. I don’t try to go looking for new roads. Then I might miss out on the one I am currently on. And what you want to explore and what you should or will are after all, very often, two very different things. You want me to prove that point to you. Ok well, you would like to win the Lotto won’t you, even if just to help someone else. Have you won it? ……….. Point made I believe.
I think that most people might not find it difficult to explore themselves. I meant that as non-sexual as what I possibly could, yet I know, some of you have fucqing dirty minds….rude!!
The difficult part, to most people I think, is to then live up to it. Like lets say you discover you are gay. Yes ok Cliché example but one where I actually know what the fucq I am talking about. I wasn’t always a cock sucker remember, I used to be quite the homophobe and ladies man. Yes you were right gay boys, its always the homophobes.
The Paths of Life
Alright back to the point. Thank you. The point is that many of us are afraid of embracing our true selves due to the stigma that society has placed on that true self. And that is a fact. I went around telling people that I was bisexual for such a long time. Then months later accepted that I was gay. Now years later I actually think we are all bisexual in any way. I just happen to be with a man at the present moment and hopefully for a very long time to come still. But you get my drift.
Lets use a more …………. everyday example that all of you can relate to. Its rather gross, even for me. Yes even for me, shock horror. Lets say that one day you wake up and you discover that you want to try both ends of a Golden Shower. Fucq that is a disgusting example. Why on the Goddesses green Earth would I choose that. But hang on, me having this reaction proves my point exactly. So lets say that we are best friends and you have now discovered that you like to pissed on………I actually can't even type that without turning a little green and feeling faint.  Now because you know my reaction to this abomination you will never tell me about it cuz you don’t want that reaction. You don’t want to feel like less of  a human being. Which is understandable. So for the rest of your life you hide this aspect of your personality from people for fear of being rejected by your loved ones, due to their perceptions.
Do you see how that is kind of fucqed up.
You know, if you had to tell me that you like to be pissed on, I would very likely pull a funny, disgusted face and think something in my head like WTF!!!! but I would never stop loving you as my friend. Your kinks are your own and as long as you don’t force it on me, I don’t actually care. I feel the same way about what all my different friends believe in. As long as you don’t make it my problem, I am not gonna make you feel fucqed up for what you believe in.
Miranda Hart
We have wondered so far now, I am going to try and put it all into one paragraph so we can all be on the same page. Yes sure I could have done that from the beginning but then it would not have been much of a blog, now would it and you would not have been able to laugh at some points as you did. So in fact you should thank me for dragging it out, you ungrateful bastard. Yes I did pick up this habit of talking to you as if you are in front of me. I can’t help it, I blame Miranda.
So the paragraph.

Explore who you are and then have the courage and strength to take you on the path that you are exploring and do it unashamedly. Screw what people might think of you, it only matters what you think of you and then keeping your integrity in tact. It is afterall your life, not theirs.

This brings me all the way back to the top and my opening phrase. Oh look we’ve come full circle. For those that can't remember, the line was

“I would rather be hated for what I am, than be loved for what I am not.”

I am aware of the fact that 90% of the population see me as a bit of an odd character. Yes that was nicely put, thank you. I had to brake it to myself gently, I also have feelings you know. I am aware that my sense of style and what I say and do, pisses people off or sometimes shocks them. I am aware that I use foul language and say words like cock and vagina and clitoris and fucq and I am aware that I very often just talk about things that others would rather not hear. But the point is. At least I have the balls, strength, bravery, courage, and integrity to be true to myself. I don’t hide who I am behind a label that society has decided will be appropriate. And if people want to gossip, then let them. There will always be those that wish to talk kak about me. Yes that means half the people in Kuilsriver. But you know what, it shows how fucqing boring their lives are.

As some of you may have noticed, I didn’t write this blog to get something of my chest really. No honestly I didn’t. I have written similar blogs to this before, but this time I wrote is specifically for a few people that I know that are in the beginning stages of self discovery and I hope that through all of my profanity, you can at least find that inkling of guidance or help that you needed, even if it was just that you needed to hear someone say that you can be whoever or whatever you want to be! My Mommy taught me from a very young age:

“Fucq the people, we are the people”


Tuesday, 12 March 2013

30-something Updates

Good morning lovely people! I have been very quiet lately as I have undergone some serious changes in life. I think when you become 30 years young, you (without even knowing it) begin to re-evaluate your life. To go with this new approach to life I decided to change my hair completely. So gone are all of my lovely black locks  and I now don an Annie Lennox kind of hair style. Short and Blond….well blondish with orange patches. The bleach didn’t get all of it out and it will have to be cut out now, as my hair grows. Until I am left with only blond hair. As most of you must have seen on photo’s by now, I am afterall a natural blond.
See, the new hair!
In my twenties, well for about half of my twenties, I was very restricted in what I was allowed to do. I had a very tight leash around my neck. Then I got divorced and I was free. Even though I had fun, I focused more on getting the Tradition sorted. On getting classes done on making sure that the Development of NPT was a success. I had to do this. My ex took with her all of my original writings and destroyed what I had on my PC (yes she planted a virus on my PC). So I had to redo just about everything. That was the biggest reason for the name change of the Tradition. So for the next 5 years I slaved away to get things where they are today. Again I am not saying that I didn’t have fun. Of course I had fun times. There are a plethora (don’t you just love that word. Ple-tho-ra. I love it) of photo’s on the internet of me enjoying myself. (Plethora)

At the arrival of 30 you somehow start to care less about what people think of you. My dress sense is getting more and more bizarre. As if it wasn’t completely crazy to begin with. I speak my mind more often than what I used to and I seem to enjoy my own company more and more.
That being said though, I want to go to more parties, I want to go clubbing, I want to get back into the BDSM scene and possibly DJ again as well. Is this a desperate attempt to cling on to follies of youth? I don’t know to be honest. I do know that I am struggling to keep up with the 20-somethings. I can’t dance to 10 songs in a row any more. I kinda cut out at 6 and then I have to go outside for fresh air, a drink and a fag. I used to be able to party the entire night, not go to bed and be fine the entire next day. Now by 1am I miss my bed and my make-up shows it.
This Bubbha is mentioned later. Bare with!
In general, I prefer staying home, watching movies or playing board games with a nice home cooked meal or Hot Dogs. I don’t know what has come over me, but I just want to eat Hot Dogs. You can give it to me morning, noon and night and I will eat it. If Paul asks me what I want to eat then I respond with “Hot Dogs”. I don’t know why.
I have also cut out negative people out of life. The problem is I set the bar rather high. I think it is just that I've taken so much crap from so many people, for such a long time, that I just decided now that even if you constantly complain about a mild cough, then I don’t want to see you until you have been to a fucqing doctor to sort out the fucqing cough so that you have more to talk about when next I see you. I am selective with who I want in my house as I don’t want to be surrounded by negative energy. I want positivity around me. I want good looking boys (check) who doesn’t mind the odd snogg (not checked) or a randy three way shag (this is what I think heaven is. Paul, myself and a new good looking boy for us too choose from whenever we like) Don’t pretend to be disgusted. Just about all of you have threesome fantasies and half of you have done them, I am just bold enough to say it out loud. We all watched John Ritter in “Threes Company” and secretly envied him. Ooh I am really showing my age now.
I find that no matter how good looking a person is, when they are a young person, as in less than 23, nine out of ten they just annoy the shit out of me. Not all of them. It takes a special kind of young person to not annoy me. But these know it all, whiny, the world owes me, woe is me cuz of my shitty life types. I just want to rip their heads of and shit down their necks to give them reason to whine. Yes, for those of you that do follow the saga of Zeo’s life, that does indeed include young Mr. Winter and co. Maybe one day, we can only pray, they will either wake up, or the earth will just swallow them up.
Miranda and her Fruit Friends
In general I am more Psychotic than what I used to be, but being a 30-something I am enjoying it a lot more. Creating ways that I can be entertained by my crazy mind. I have this wonderful idea that I got from Miranda, to have fruit friends. But I don’t want them to go mouldy, so I decided that I am going to make them from plastic fruit. How absolutely kitsch! You have to love it! In the line of making things I also decided that our house is not……..gay enough. I mean if you watch “Birdcage” for example. You can see, that is a gay house.  At the Sexpo I saw this huge black cock, of course as a dildo. Yes when I say huge I mean like 40cm long and 15cm in girth. I can’t think that anyone could ever use that without loosing half of their intestines. It did however inspire me that I am going to make a huge cock sculpture for our coffee table. It’s going to be beautiful, right next to the Rose Quartz. People will walk in and see the huge Buddha head on the wall. Their eyes will catch the cock and the words will be something like “I love your big …..cock”. Will make me feel wonderful every time.:)
My daily pills cocktail seems to be getting bigger and bigger each month and to my utmost delight (can you hear the sarcasm) I have discovered that my body retains water as well. Oh one more pill. At least now I have somewhat of an excuse as to why my body vaguely resembles the shape of an old fashioned blimp. It is due to a build up of piss in system. Well isn’t that what water retention is?
Anyway that was all just to get you back up to speed with what has been happening.
Have a terrific Tuesday!
