Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Dreamlike States

As a Reiki practitioner and a Pagan, I am well aware of the astral plane. I am also aware that it exists at the same time as this world and that the two can overlap. Also I know about the fact that in Reiki your guides can come to collect you, while you sleep, to do work on the astral plane.
There is also a thing called a Soul Group. This is a cluster of souls that will know each other from one life to another and these souls are like bff souls. They will life after life be incarnated together.
Last night I had the weirdest dream and I say that it was weird cuz it didn’t feel like a dream. It felt way too real and almost more like an experience or the memory of an experience.

I was in what looked like a school hall. As a matter of fact it looked a lot like my old primary school hall. But everything had a slight yellow tinge to it. Almost like my eyes had yellow cellophane in front of them.
In the hall there must have been about 20 – 30 people sitting, meditating. A thin elderly woman with lots of wrinkles and dead straight blond bob hair was the one leading the meditation. Come to think about it, her hair may have been white but looked blond due to the yellow tinge everything had. She was wearing a faded white, what can only be described as a yoga suit. I was one of the people meditating and somehow I just knew that I was also her oldest student. But I remember that Bev was there as Paul and a few other people that I know. Not all of us looked like we do in the here and now but somehow I recognized us. It was an open eye meditation and although I cannot remember the form of it I do know that she brought us out of it one by one by softly tapping each and every one of us on the shoulder and then we had to stand up.  Everyone was so somber as they stood up and then she tapped my shoulder. I jumped up and grabbed her hands into mine and did a turning waltz with her for about 30 seconds. She didn’t smile or do anything for that matter but I knew she wasn’t too impressed by my behaviour. As I walked towards Paul, wanting to put my arms around him and kiss him, I tripped over the leg of one of the girls that was still in meditation. She jerked her head up and gave me look. But both of us knew that we knew each other, but we had never met. She had short red hair, skinny girl, with green eyes.
That’s when I woke up.

As stated, this did not feel like a dream and thinking back on it, I just cannot believe that it was. It felt like we were plugged into the matrix and she was Morpheus. I know that this sounds like complete bullshit but that is how felt. One thing that I do know is that we were all there for a purpose and we all wanted to be there. We were students and we needed, yes we had the need to learn and to grow. Lets hope that more gets revealed as the nights come and go.


Monday, 27 February 2012

Romantic Endings

When all is said and done, I really am or rather can be, a softy. I love romance and I simply adore happy endings.  I think that all us, deserve to find happiness at some point or other. We all deserve the emotions that go with it. We all deserve to cry and laugh, to miss your lover, to feel content in their arms.We are all human and we all bleed red. There for we all have the need and the right to have our need to an happy ending fulfilled.
I recently saw photos of someone that used to be in school with me. Wedding photos. He was a real doos and I couldn’t stand his back stabbing  two faced manners. Ugly little Troll, but with  stunning eyes. Well as I said, he got married. His wife is such a beautiful woman. She might also be us crappy in nature as him, I don’t know. But when I looked at those wedding photos I could not see a single bad thing in either of them. They look so happy, content and in love. It looks like, happily ever after. Who in their right mind can begrudge them that? We all deserve that happiness. It actually brings a tear to my eye.
Our BIG DAY is on the 13th of July 2013. The day that I get to say my ‘I Do’s’ to the man of my dreams. He drives me insane from time to time, but he is the best man on this planet. He is my happily ever after!!

Wednesday, 15 February 2012


I love music and I listen to just about anything. I have to admit that I can’t really listen to Hip Hop or Gangster Ghetto music as I call it, but I have learned to live with it as Paul loves it. He jokes and calls Rhianna his Ghetto Sista! SO even though I don’t mind him playing it, if I don’t have to listen to it I won’t.  And believe there are lots of songs that I love that he grins and listens to just for me.
I have everything in my collection from Clssical to Dimmu Borgir (black metal). I listen to Mango Groove, Alice Cooper, Enya, Marilon Manson, Susan Boyle, Rammstein, Josh Groban, Sandi Thom, Ozzy, and and and. So you see I really have no hang ups with music, well any other than Gangster Ghetto.
But if there is one thing that I cannot fucking stand then it is these fucking people that seems to think that everyone should listen to what they are listening. You get on the train on your way to work and walk into a carriage where some homie is playing his groovezzz, foo. But then this shiznit beatch ass with dem mother fucking attitude pumps his groove about dem bitches, cribs and rides.
I don’t know if I did that correctly or if it makes any sense, but really that is what people believe everyone wants to listen to.
I don’t understand it, Surely you have earphones. Use it!! I have to admit though that this I can still almost (if I am still very tired in the morning, cuz I am not a morning person and only really wake up from about 11) handle. Almost. But sometimes you hear them blaring their ‘Jesus loves you’ music. Now again let me explain. Not coming from a Christian hom the hymns and songs were never forced on me, so I don’t have hang-ups about them. As a matter of fact, there are quite a few that I actually love. As cliché as what it may sound, I love Amazing Grace. Two Beltaines ago we the organizer got a bag pipe band to play a few songs and she begged them to play it for me over the bag pipes, which they did and I sobbed like a little bitch. It is just that beautiful for me.
But I don’t want to, in the morning still half asleep, get onto a train where the gospel is being preached full volume on someones phone followed by some song that the people sing as if they have overdosed on sleeping tabs. That is not my idea of fun. I really just don’t understand how you as a human can be so fucking daft as to assume that everyone wants to listen to your crap. Don’t you just want to start the crusades again and convert everyone? It offends my ears and believe me I say so. That man has not again , not once forced us all to listen to bible bashing.
Why cuz I started bitching, top of my voice, about how fucking rude it is for these fucking people to just fucking assume that we all wanna listen to their bullshit. You know if you really HAVE to listen to your music and you really don’t have earphones, then listen to it softly. You don’t have to blare your fucking music top volume on the train. It is inconsiderate and rude.


Monday, 13 February 2012

Goddess Within

In what little spare time we have, Paul and I like to watch movies or series. Currently we are watching Friends. I have been a Friends junkie since day one but this is Paul’s first time that he is being introduced to Rachel, Ross, Monica, Joey, Phoebe and Chandler. We are busy with season two.
A while ago we finished Sex and the City. All six seasons and the two movies. I have always loved it. We don’t own a television, as we simply have no interest for our lives to become about T.V. To many couples visit and eat and do just about anything in front of the T.V. So we have decided that we wont own one, besides, there is only bullshit on the T.V. mixed with doom and gloom and Julius Malema, and neither of these things interest me. We read or we watch movies and series on either the Mac or the Laptop. It’s that simple. Also it increases our quality time. But back to my point.
When we were watching Sex and the City I realized something. We always equate which character we are most like. I used to think that I was a Samantha. But this time round I realized that I am more of a Carry. Believe me I wasn’t happy about the discovery at first but it was the truth. As we reached season three I also realized that even though I am mainly a Carry I am in fact small bits of all of them.
This made me think about the Pagan world. Different people seem to connect to different aspects of Deity. When in fact we really have all of these aspects within us. You may be a little slut like the Enchantress but it doesn’t mean that you don’t have the wisdom of the Crone or the nurturing instinct of the Mother or the innocence of the Maiden. Yes you may connect more to a certain phase at a certain time but you are in fact all four of them the entire time! Just like the Goddess is all four continuously. We can of course take this further and say that therefore the Goddess and the God is continuously the same being and therefore whatever you call the creative force of the world does not matter at all.  All Hail Spongebob!!
The same can be said of the elementals. We all have qualities of earth, air, fire and water in us.

Back to Sex and the City.
In the series then we deal with four Goddesses they are as follows

Carry – Maiden – she is the one that is desperately trying to make it in a big city while living out her passion. She is innocent and naïve about men and believes that most people are nice and cares. She is looking for love but finds thrills in the weird and wrong places. She loves the fast live and going out.

Miranda – Mother – she is the one that is busy providing for her family. A mother and business woman trying to have it all in a society that demands her to take the role of provider, yet still keep her feminine charms. She loves her son more than anything else and will work herself to a standstill to care for him. Needs things to be practical.

Charlotte – Crone – even though she is not old in the series she does have that certain sense of timeless style that goes with distinguished women. She very often over lunch drops some real pearls of wisdom that very often turns out as she predicted it. Has style and class reflected in her entire home.

Samantha – Enchantress – the seductress that uses her womanly prowes to get whatever she wants. She is confident, on top of her game and has no problem with her sexuality or body. She is a woman that takes of herself and wont ever give up on herself. Needs to have luxury and pleasures.

As I said, we all have these qualities, but which one are you most like.
I am firstly Carry, then Samantha, then Charlotte and lastly Miranda.

So see who you are and who your friends are and maybe that way we can also learn to understand each other better.
