Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Masked Madness

A few days before new years and we are getting our masks ready.
This is not Paul's finished Mask. 
One of the students from the Johannesburg group is in Cape Town for a visit and we (Paul, Jessica and myself) that we are going to make our own masks. So out comes the plaster of paris bandaging, water, scissors, pens, paper, paint, glue, sequence and double sided tape. Oh of course not forgetting the Zambak. Don’t ask! So on a piece of paper we decide to draw what we want our masks to look like. And we are ready to start the project. Unanimously, I decide that we will make Paul’s mask first. Why his first, cuz if I fuck it up and the plaster sticks to his face for the next week or I take off his eyebrows or something stupid (as always happens to me) at least he wont fuck me up. I hope…….. hehehehee
So Jess puts the Zambak on his eyebrows, as we don’t have Vaseline. Hey it was Zambak or K.Y. lubricant. The Zambak won, for obvious reasons.
This is not Jessica's finished Mask.
I look at jess and ask her if she wants to build the mask or cut me strips. Well Nurse Hannah decided to assist only as the Doc performed the miracle of working on Paul’s face, which was not an improvement at all. But as we started with the second layer it started to take shape and look good. However at this point in time I can’t remember if we were supposed to put something on his face first to make the plaster not stick. Did I say anything about it? Hell no!! I was just gonna mind my own damn business and work on building the mask. Then I rubbed against the grain of the eyebrow hair and also got the hair at his temples stuck in the mask. Again, was I gonna say something? Hell no!!
The mask was doen and admittedly it looked ok. Now it had to dry. “For how long?” Paul asks me. “Until it’s dry came the response” Which translates to, I have no fucking idea. Was I going to admit it? Hell no?
A few minutes later (due to the intense heat and the fact that we were sitting outside, it was time to take the mask off. In other words it was also time for me to quietly in my head chant that the damn thing will come off. Thankfully it did. Next up was Jess and lastly myself. Of course by now I knew that I had the hang of this but neither nurse Hannah nor Doc Joubert had a hang for it. So I was just a little bit stressed. But I knew Paul loves me too much to fuck up my mask on purpose and then laugh at me.
This is not Zeo's finished Mask.
To dry the masks so that we can paint them white and decorate them killed my hairdryer. I started drying them with a hair dryer and then two minutes later we had to have a funeral for the hairdryer. Maybe this is a good place to explain that even though I love technology, it fucking hates me. Technology just has a way of ……. Breaking around me. Ask Conway’s DSTV, and all I did was skip to the next channel, we wont even mention my phone. Damn thing is possessed I tell you, and lately the bathroom light also goes disco even when we changed the actual bulbs. So back to drying the masks, Paul decided to put them in the oven and bake them at a low temperature. I decided to let Paul do this cuz if I had to do it, well then I will almost burn the house down. Like I almost did when I decided to heat Sage on newspaper in the microwave. It seemed like a good idea at the time and in my defense I wasn’t on my own. My friend Paula was with me and we both thought it would work. That microwave is still not the same.
Masks all ready and hard we started decorating and the end product is stunning,  if I may say so myself.
So if you are in cape Town for new Years and you are bored or have no plans and you like masks. Then bring your sexy ass, a predominantly white mask, booze and snacks to our place for the final party of 2011. If you wanna know where our place is then Facebook me or send me an email to If you have my number just phone me. Don’t sms me, pick up the phone and call me. If we don’t see you, have a blast and be safe.


P.S. No masks were harmed during the making of this blog. They may have been harmed somewhere else though, like the oven, but not during the making of this blog. Also if you wanna see the end results of what the masks look like, well then you will have to come to our party!

Thursday, 22 December 2011

2 People per Trolley

We are walking in jingle bell rock at this time of year. We are getting three kinds of shit beaten out of us by the Drummer Boy's drum. And while we just try to do normal food shopping in a nut house called a Pay 'n Pay we have to listen how Santa will only make a turn to our house, if we are on the nice list. Santa, you can come suck my ......... everyone just seems to be in such a happy mood. 'Tis the season to be jolly fra-la-la-la pppfffffttt.
Well fuck that. I hate this time of year. As it is I am not a fan of people, the ones I don't know and even a few I do know. I can tolerate them and be nice but if you are walking in the shop at this time of year and the entire fucking family is walking in front of you (and by entire I mean at least three generations), at a pace that would be able to be beaten by a snail, then I want to do my nut. What I do not understand, is that we all know what the shops look like during this time of year. You know it's going to be like a race for the last choc chip cookie in the orphanage. Choas, Disorder, mayhem, kids screaming for that last toy, moms screaming at dads for not giving them suficient help and and and. 
Why then do you take your entire family with you for Christmas shopping?
Are the presents not supposed to a surprise for everyone? Is an imaginary fat man not supposed to break into your house at midnight, eat your last choc chip cookie and drink your milk and then leave the gift for you? Here people like me have to deal with screaming kids, old people that has a Zimmer frame, young kids snogging and parents that are all over the sow. It annoys me. Just think how much better your shopping experience will be if you just go to the shop alone. Without anyone bitching around you. Imagine if we could all do that. Two people per trolley, max. Oh it would be a dream come true.


Tuesday, 20 December 2011


I have been very sleg in the last few months when it comes to this blog. For a number of reasons I guess. 1. I didn't think anyoe cares anymore, but it turns out people do and they want to read more. It's very weird for me to think that people want to know more about me and my screwed up little life with my wonderful man.
2. .....Ok well that that was the main reason. hehehehehehehe

So for 2012 I promise to keep you all entertained. I will however say that in 2012 I am really gonna put out there how I feel and not mince words about it. In a few of these entries so far I tried to keep it very 'politically correct', yes I also think that I failed. My point is, if you think that this year was forward and to the point then you have not seen anything yet. I am not gonna aim to piss you off, but it is goint to be the truth as I see it. Granted sometimes my twisted mind is not always right but hey this is my fucking blog so I can but on here anything from wise words to dick cheese if I so feel fit.

Also I am gonna try to revamp it a little (no that was not a hint on the vampire politics). What I mean is I want to create a new fresh look for it. Something less dark this year. I am sure my words are dark enough for people. Maybe the site should be bright green with red polka dots and pink dildo's. Who know's I will see what pulls me.
But for now, to all of you that will be on the road this season, please be careful, don't drink and drive, you might spill. Have a fab new years and send me your pissed pics so I can laugh. A happy 2012 to all of you!!
